Vase cannon fodder is pampered by the group again

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Chapter 39.1 Shen Ci is enlightened: percentage on progress bar-30

Editor: Jodi

Lin Wan suddenly coming out with this move caught Shen Ci off guard.

Comfort him? But Wei Shuo had warned him to be careful of Lin Wan, what’s more he also found this guy odd.

Ignore him? If Shen Ci were to just disregard him in front of everyone like that, the sunspots would see it as him bullying a newcomer.

Sigh, the most annoying thing about being a star was having to deal with the real and fake emotions in the social scene all day long.

Shen Ci stepped forward helplessly, “How is that possible? We just acted together, so how can I not know? You’re just not in the right state, don’t be disheartened.”

Brother Zhang who was beside him almost burst out laughing. Watching Shen Ci unwillingly but forcefully trying to appear emotionally charged was hilarious.

In the past, Shen Ci had had a bad temper and didn’t care about praise or reputation, so how would he find himself in such an awkward predicament as he was in now? He would most likely just ignore it outright.

After all, as long as he had no morals, no one could pressure him morally.

But now the young master was forced to do business just to make ends meet, making this scene particularly novel and amusing.

Lin Wan showed a forced smile as he said gratefully, “Thank you…. Xiao Ci, you’re really kind.”

Shen Ci: “……” That’s not necessary.

The lips of some of the staff who were passing, as well as the actors couldn’t help but twitch, feeling speechless.

If they remembered correctly, Lin Wan had acted in many more dramas than Shen Ci, right? At least a dozen to start with.

Although they were all quite obscure, at least he was considered a senior, so why did he need Shen Ci, a junior, to comfort him with a “don’t be disheartened”?

His acting skills were also very confusing, both his lines and performances dry, and after more than a dozen dramas, he hadn’t made any progress at all. No wonder he didn’t have much popularity.

Yang Ning and Qin Yun had already left right as the two were talking, leaving Shen Ci unsure of how to continue chatting with Lin Wan, so he looked to Brother Zhang for help.

Jokes aside, Brother Zhang couldn’t possibly just let Shen Ci be embarrassed, so he smiled and intervened, “Xiao Ci, shouldn’t you go and check the lines for the next scene?”

Shen Ci nodded hurriedly like a chicken pecking at rice, and was about to leave when his arm was suddenly pulled back.

“Wait a minute—Xiao Ci, can I read with you? Let’s rehearse.”

Lin Wan looked at Shen Ci with an earnest expression, causing Shen Ci’s head to ache even more. He could only pull his hand away first, “Uh, if you have something to say just say it, there’s no need to get physical.”

Lin Wan’s assistant sneaked a phone up, causing Brother Zhang to look at him vigilantly, then he frowned as he snapped, “What are you doing?”

Shocked, the assistant instinctively locked the screen and put the phone down, “Wh-what are you talking about?”

Brother Zhang’s expression turned cold, then he walked over silently, staring at the assistant.

The assistant swallowed nervously, subconsciously backing away several steps, cold sweat breaking out on his back.

Having seen Brother Zhang’s amiable and peaceful demeanour for so long, they had all forgotten that he was actually one of the top agents in the industry.

Having been in the circle for more than twenty years, he held countless resources and connections and had produced more movie emperors and queens than certain companies had artists. He was a genuine big shot in the entertainment industry…

“Taking pictures? I’ve long noticed what you guys are up to.” Brother Zhang’s smile disappeared completely, his expression stern, “But I advise you not to get any funny ideas, not everyone is someone you can mess with.”

The room wasn’t crowded, however when Brother Zhang said this, it became so quiet that one could hear a pin drop.

The expression on Lin Wan’s face turned unsightly,  then seeing his assistant frozen in fear, he went up hurriedly, “Xiao Yu, why are you taking selfies because you don’t have anything to do? Go get me a bottle of water.”

Xiao Yu reacted, then fled in panic.

Lin Wan apologised to Shen Ci and Brother Zhang with a smile, then silently went to sit in the corner of the lounge, no longer speaking to Shen Ci.

Shen Ci had been watching silently when he heard Brother Zhang say that—it seems Lin Wan’s assistant had been taking pictures of him and Lin Wan secretly. But why?

However before he could think about it deeply, he was pushed to the side by Brother Zhang who told him, “Alright, alright, hurry up and read the lines.”

Shen Ci, in a daze, took his tattered script from his bag out, flipped through a couple of pages without really reading them, then looked back up at Brother Zhang with sparkling eyes.

His eyes were just like a puppy begging for milk. Brother Zhang could tell what he wanted to ask at a glance.

Helpless, Brother Zhang could only lean down to whisper in his ear, “They probably want to hype up a cp, so be careful, don’t fall for it.”

“This guy’s popularity isn’t good, and his reputation is poor. There’s no benefit for you to be paired with him, and you might even end up with a lot of trouble.”

Shen Ci’s eyes widened, hyping up a cp with him?! He could understand doing that with Qin Yun who was more popular, but what was there to pair up a cp with him for?

Brother Zhang tapped Shen Ci’s forehead with his index finger lightly, “Look, you wouldn’t understand even if I tell you. Just forget about it and focus on your lines.”

Shen Ci could only open the script again, and it just so happened that a staff member came in just at that moment to put things down. He looked at Shen Ci with a somewhat surprised expression.

The script in his hand….. the edges were almost crumbling, and who knows how many times it had been flipped through. And probably because he had made too many notes, he couldn’t get a new one easily.

The staff member was a bit emotional. No wonder Shen Ci, a newcomer, could act so well. It turns out he worked harder than anyone else.

He helped Qin Yun put her things down, took his phone out, aimed it at Shen Ci and took a picture, specifically focusing on that tattered script.

Brother Zhang noticed this keenly and glanced at him. However this time he didn’t say anything. Instead, he smiled at the staff member, “Thanks for your hard work.”

The staff member also smiled politely in return, “It’s nothing!”

The assistant Xiao Yu who had just brought the bottle of water in: “….”

They had all taken pictures sneakily, so how come there was such a huge difference!

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