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Chapter 152 Live Broadcast

Editor: Jodi

After the incident on Z Star Planet, the homepage of Yan Hao’s interstellar account gained several billion fans overnight, surpassing the vast majority of interstellar stars, with most of his fans being the civilians who had been rescued in Z Star Planet and the minority being insiders from the field of Mech Building.

As ‘the youngest level six Mech Building Master in the history of the Federation’, as well as the ‘joint disciple of the two grandmasters of the Federation’, either of these titles ensured that Yan Hao would receive significant attention in the field of Mech Building.

Regrettably, Yan Hao’s life revolved only around mechs and he had no intention of leveraging his popularity to become a celebrity. What’s more he hardly ever surfed the internet. Hence even though he had become an interstellar big V with billions of fans, his personal homepage was almost blank, with him only updating occasionally with a few greetings and blessings during the New Year and festivals under He Shao’s reminder.

However on this day, a video was suddenly uploaded on his homepage that never changed. The video didn’t have a title and didn’t have a description, it was just a simple video clip.

But even so, with billions of fans, the video garnered hundreds of millions of views within minutes, followed by countless exclamations and reshares, creating a sensation across the entire Federation.

In the video, a black mech, wielding a black lance, tore through the skies, plunging into the heart of the zerg army. There weren’t any energy fluctuations on the lance, however wherever its tip pointed at, all the zergs would dodge automatically, seemingly afraid of something, and although it could be seen that these zergs were all low level zergs, these were still zergs which under the command of higher level zergs would even face star-level weapons defiantly and fearlessly.

And it was precisely this fearlessness of the low level zergs, that posed a great challenge to the Federation defeating them.

Zergs bred rapidly, with a reproductive system that the Federation couldn’t comprehend, as if they could grow even after eating just stones. If one killed a large swarm of zergs today, as long as they were allowed to recuperate for a while, a new batch would soon come out.

And in order to eradicate the zergs completely, the Federation had devised many strategies and had even implemented several plans to assassinate the Zerg Emperor. However not even the previous level ten mech could kill its way through the zerg army single-handedly to reach the Zerg Emperor.

After all, even a multitude of ants could kill an elephant, let alone zergs whose size was comparable to that of mechs. What’s more no matter how powerful a mech was, it would be overwhelmed and exhausted by an endless swarms of zergs.

Yet the mech in the video was different. Wherever its lance pointed, the zergs would move to the side, allowing it to fly through the swarm smoothly as if it was in a zerg-free zone, causing it to be able to reach the back of the swarm to face a mountainous level nine zerg.

And the level nine zerg, realizing the attack, roared in anger, its two red eyes glowing like ghost fires in the night as it shook its wings, thrusting its sharp front claws forward that arrived almost instantly as if it were a bullet, and the black mech, picking up its lance and turning around, countered with a beautiful backflip in the air that was followed by a kick, twisting to the side of the level nine zerg.

This whole action, lasting barely a second, wasn’t something a traditional mech could accomplish.

And those knowledgeable in mech operation could tell at a glance that this one-second maneuver contained at least fifteen commands.

What’s more in order to save time during actual combat, mech warriors wouldn’t even do such complex movements, hence it could only be an instinctive reaction.

This was a mimetic mech.

Dodging the attack, the black mech moved again, and just as the level nine zerg charged over again it closed in, advancing closer to the claw of the zerg instead of retreating, then at a certain distance, it threw the lance that was in its right hand straight into its eyeball, piercing it directly.

The unparalleled agony caused the massive body of the level nine zerg to tremble violently as it charged at the mech crazily. However the movements of the black mech didn’t stop, because using the force from the charging body of the zerg, it turned and flipped and not only did it retrieve the lance from the eye of the zerg, it also climbed onto its back.

Then sliding along its massive body, it flipped directly from its back to its belly, then targeting its weak spot, made another penetrating thrust.

The video ended with the level nine zerg struggling to death, the whole process having lasted less than five minutes. In previous wars, battles would have only just begun five minutes in.

[Fuck, guys, stop sleeping, get up and watch this video.]

[I know mimetic mechs are powerful, but this is too fucking bullish right? Look at this explosive power, this speed, this response reaction time, it’s a level nine mech, right?]

[Upstairs are you serious? A level nine mimetic mech?]

[Guys, look at that weapon. Wherever it points, the low level zergs would dodge subconsciously. Am I seeing things?]

[Upstairs, I also noticed it, I just didn’t dare confirm it.]

[If this weapon could be produced in mass, no, just a dozen or so would do, it would make capturing the leaders first in battles against the zergs much easier.]

[One minute, I want all the info on this mech and its pilot.]

[I don’t have any info on the mech, but the pilot is definitely the Federation’s number one soft rice eater.]

[Calling out to Master Yan, Master Yan, you can’t just drop a video like this to whet our appetites and then leave us hanging.]

[Calling out to Master Yan+1]


The entire Starnet was abuzz, with everyone who had seen the video flocking to Yan Hao’s personal homepage to leave messages, wanting him to explain exactly what was going on with the mech and weapon in the video.

However Yan Hao didn’t respond immediately.

Instead, he let the video remain on Starnet for a full twelve hours until the shares and views reached an astonishing number and then started a live broadcast.

Yes, he went live directly.

And because the heat of the video hadn’t gone down yet, billions of viewers flooded into his live stream within a few short minutes of it being started.

Countless questions and pop-ups swarmed the live chat, making Yan Hao who was reading them dizzy, causing him to be unable to help but turn off the pop-up feature.

En, it looked much cleaner.

“Hello everyone, I’m Yan Hao.” Yan Hao introduced himself in the live broadcast.

[Master Yan Hao, we all know you, so there’s no need for pleasantries. Just hurry up and tell us what’s going on with that mech!]

A message with special golden effects scrolled across the live stream, then was quickly followed by a second, and then a third…. Soon, the screen was filled with densely packed special effect pop-ups.

“Huh? I obviously turned the pop-up feature off, so how come they are still appearing?” Yan Hao who was in front of the live broadcast screen turned his head back in confusion.

“This is the gift effect, you can turn it off here.” A handsome young man in military uniform appeared from outside the screen in the video, and standing behind Yan Hao, tapped the screen with his finger.

[Soft rice eater, stop it!!!]

Sheng Heng glanced up, just in time to see this pop-up comment, the last one before he disabled all the pop-up features. However he wasn’t angry and even replied in good humor: “That won’t do, as a soft rice eater, of course I have to listen to my boyfriend.”

He was admitting it, he was admitting he was a soft rice eater!

After Sheng Heng turned off all the pop-up features, the live stream finally became clean, with only the viewer count in the top right corner that was still climbing up.

T/N: Just in case

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