My outside expression is different from my inner expression

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Chapter 103.1

Editor: Jodi

[Ha ha ha, I knew President Li was the most formidable! Look at the expressions of the Yu family and the Casper family when they left, it’s just hilarious, serves them right.]

[Wow, so it turns out President Li’s previous performance was all an act? He even managed to deceive us.]

[No no….. it should be said that it’s normal for us to be deceived, but it’s the Casper family and the Yu family who were made fools of, haha, I’m so happy.]

[The funniest part is that the Casper family even invited reporters, but they didn’t expect that they would be the ones who would be humiliated, haha.]

There was a lot of celebration online.

Reese Casper’s face was as black as coal as he left.

While Yu Xudong’s face was as white as a sheet, looking even worse than his.

Especially when he staggered as he made a move to get into his car after saying goodbye to Mr. Reese with a forced smile on his face. Luckily Pei Jing was there to catch him in time.

Mother Yu asked hurriedly, “What’s wrong? Are you feeling unwell?!”

Mother Yu couldn’t be blamed for being anxious, as Yu Xudong’s complexion was terribly poor at the moment.

Yu Xudong, his face pale, waved his hand, unable to speak.

He gave the driver’s seat to Pei Jing, indicating for her to drive while he himself sat in the passenger seat.

Then after sitting down, he closed his eyes and didn’t answer any of Mother Yu’s questions, just holding his chest as if his heart was uncomfortable…

However seeing this, Mother Yu clamored from the backseat that they go to the hospital.

And unable to maintain his usual expression, Yu Xudong finally spoke up, the expression on his face one of impatience: “Stop talking! Go home! Go home now!”

His tone brooked no argument, causing Mother Yu to shut up immediately while Pei Jing drove them back.

And back home, Yu Xudong sat in front of his laptop, too afraid to open it.

He took a quick-acting heart pill out, swallowed it, then asked in a hoarse voice, “Mom, how much money do you have there?”

He was asking about the old lady’s private stash of money.

Mrs. Yu asked in confusion, “Why do you need to know this?”

“Xudong, tell Mom, did you….. do something?”

Mother Yu wasn’t stupid. She had guessed something from his reaction.

Yu Xudong closed his eyes, “I….. I set up a betting pool in M Country and put a lot of money in it, but now that the Casper family’s autonomous driving car has lost…..”

The rest didn’t need to be said, as Mother Yu and Pei Jing also understood.

Mother Yu asked him, her voice trembling, “How much money did you put in it?”

Pei Jing also looked anxious and uneasy.

Yu Xudong’s lips moved, however he wasn’t able to say how much money it was, he just said, “….. It’s not about how much money I put in now.”

“It’s that I lost the bet! And as the house, I have to pay up! A lot!”

He had misjudged the situation and the outcome. He had bought almost ninety percent of the circulating shares, making it so that he was now trapped directly, and would have to bleed to pay up!

“How much exactly is a lot?!” Mother Yu pressed on.

Yu Xudong fell silent, his expression growing even worse.

“Hurry up and spit it out! How much?!” Mother Yu was so anxious that she pushed Yu Xudong’s shoulder.

Yu Xudong finally uttered a number.

Pei Jing’s heart skipped a beat, her face turning even more pale.

While Mother Yu almost collapsed, then taking two steps back, she sat on another chair near the desk as she muttered, “So much….. You, you, why didn’t you tell us in advance that you were setting up a betting pool?!”

Her voice rose as she said this.

Yu Xudong’s face darkened. “You always say women shouldn’t meddle in business matters. Would you have been able to understand if I’d told you?!”

“And besides, even if I had told you, you would have agreed anyway.”

Moreover, he had thought it was a sure thing that the Casper family would win against the Li Group, but who could have imagined……

Li Qingzhou had outmaneuvered them all.

Mother Yu had nothing more to say at this, her expression one of defeat.

Pei Jing asked, “Can the company come up with so much money?”

Yu Xudong replied impatiently, “After losing the bet, the company still has to give Li Qingzhou shares. How can we get the money?!”

“All the funds are tied up, there’s simply no way. We can only borrow externally now….. Mom, do you have enough money?”

Covering her face, Mother Yu shook her head. “How could it possibly be enough?”

Pei Jing said, “Xudong, I have a little money saved.”

Standing up, Yu Xudong hugged her. “Thank you, wife. I knew marrying you was the right choice.”

The three of them calculated, then realized that borrowing some money from connections and selling off a few properties should be enough to cover it.

However when Yu Xudong opened his laptop, the expression on his face suddenly changed again, the chair he had been sitting on falling to the ground with a ‘bang’ as he stood up abruptly.

He shouted in disbelief, “How could this happen?!”

“How could this happen….. It’s impossible, who could have done this in the end…”

He gritted his teeth as he said this, his fingertips pounding on the keyboard, alternating between numbers and programs.

Then in no time at all, his face turned gray, his hands trembling as he dropped the mouse, looking as if he had gone mad, his expression gradually becoming hideous.

Pei Jing and Mrs. Yu were both anxious and puzzled.

“Xudong, what’s wrong?! Don’t scare mom, speak up!” Mother Yu patted his back.

“Honey, don’t scare me…..”

Pei Jing and Mother Yu surrounded him.

After a moment, Yu Xudong’s voice that seemed to have been squeezed out of his throat sounded, “Someone rigged the betting pool, and the money we have to pay…. has doubled.”


Realizing what this meant, Mother Yu’s breath seized then she suddenly fell backwards.

“Mom?! Mom!”

Pei Jing who was beside her caught  her quickly.

Then Yu Xudong carried her to the sofa and performed first aid.

After a while, Mother Yu regained consciousness, then she said weakly, “If it’s doubled, how…… how can we repay…… unless…..”

Unless they sold the company, otherwise what would be awaiting them was the seizure of their assets as well as imprisonment.

—What’s more in would be imprisonment in a foreign jail. Even if they were now in C Country, they still wouldn’t be able to escape it.


Yu Xudong gritted his teeth. “Mr. Reese and the Casper family are so rich, what’s more Xiao Kun is still in a relationship with An Qi, the only daughter of the Casper family. Let Xiao Kun go and find An Qi.”

“Yes, yes, we have Xiao Kun.”

Mother Yu perked up a bit at this, sitting up with Pei Jing’s support. “Where is he? Hurry up and call him and tell him to come home.”

Yu Xudong: “I’ll call him right away.”

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