Vicious male counterpart isn’t competing anymore [Rebirth]

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Chapter 156.1 The Purple Medal of Honor

Editor: Jodi

The zergs suddenly appeared hundreds of years ago on the outskirts of the Federation, a species with powerful devouring and breeding capabilities that seemed as if they could devour just about anything except soil, what’s more each planet they consumed led to them breeding even more zergs, zergs who then continued to expand outward.

The Federation’s scientists had once discussed that these zergs likely flew in after devouring a civilization in a distant galaxy, and that they used spatial black holes to shuttle continuously in space, seeking new food, and that once they found some, they would stop to devour until nothing was left.

Over the years, the Federation had captured many zergs for research, however scientists were still unable to crack their reproductive and digestive systems. It was known that zergs had a particularly short breeding period and matured in an extremely fast manner. As long as there was enough food, they could quickly grow from larvae to adult zergs in a very short time. Pursuing food was their instinct, hence as long as a particular star field had something they could eat, they wouldn’t leave.

This knowledge caused the human race to become desperate when they realized this, as it meant that the zergs wouldn’t leave on their own, and that only complete extermination or a devastating strike would be able to stop this disaster. However the zergs were too powerful, and with the strength of the Federation’s military, they could only defend. And sometimes, to buy time, the Federation would even intentionally abandon certain planets to the zergs in order to prevent greater casualties.

Hence the surprise attack plan formulated by the military department this time represented the Federation’s first real counterattack against the zergs. Normally, level nine mech warriors had to be stationed in their own star fields to deter high level zergs. Although the zergs weren’t highly intelligent, they still had the instinct of seeking benefits and avoiding harm. Therefore, unless food was extremely scarce, even level nine zergs wouldn’t attack a star field that was being guarded by level nine mech warriors easily.

The Federation valued every level nine mech warrior as well as every level nine mech, regarding them as priceless treasures, so the loss of even one was significant. Therefore, unless it was absolutely necessary, level nine mechs weren’t deployed easily. However when the Federation did act, they did so with the force of thunder. All the top combat forces, including the three major legions, launched a coordinated surprise attack.

The Federation’s fleets started by bombarding the planet’s outskirts, relentlessly killing the low level zergs, and when a significant number of the low level zergs died, the level nine zergs became enraged, and provoked, they flew out from the planet’s interior and launched mental shock waves toward the space fleets, and this movement, was the cue for the level nine mech warriors to strike. Two level nine mechs that had long been hiding in the void attacked simultaneously the moment the level nine zergs appeared, killing them with lightning speed.

And after the death of the level nine zergs, the remaining few level eight zergs were no match for the level nine mechs, and once all the level eight and level nine zergs were eliminated, the remaining low level zergs were no longer a concern, because each Federation mech warrior, wielding a Haoyue, rushed towards the zerg swarm like hungry tigers pouncing on sheep, slaughtering with great relish.

These surprise attacks took a total of three months, most of which was spent on the final cleanup, because in order to reclaim the planets that had been stolen by the zergs, every single zerg, even their unhatched eggs, had to be exterminated.

The battle this time ended with it being a resounding victory for the Federation, causing the entire Federation to boil with excitement.

The Federation’s ZF rewarded the military personnel who had participated in the raid, and the civilians also spontaneously expressed their admiration and love for the Federation’s soldiers on Starnet. However the heroes of this battle were internally grateful to another person in their hearts:

Yan Hao, the discoverer of the phantom spirit stone.

The soldiers who had participated in this raid ranged from those who had just enlisted a year ago to veterans of several decades, and for all of them, this was the most exhilarating and satisfying battle of their lives.

Before this, hadn’t they wanted to fight like this? No, it wasn’t that they didn’t want to, it was that they simply hadn’t had the power. It was the phantom spirit stone discovered by Yan Hao that had doubled the Federation’s advanced combat power in a short time. It was the weapon ‘Haoyue’, invented by Yan Hao that had allowed them ordinary mech warriors to be able to slaughter low level zergs easily as if they were slicing vegetables.

And for this, the Federation planned to award Yan Hao with the Purple Medal of Honor. The Purple Medal of Honor was the highest honor in the Federation that was typically given to only those whose contributions had impacted the future of the Federation significantly.

Old Pang and Old Zhong had also received this medal, however they had only gotten it in their later years while Yan Hao, at this time, was still just an ungraduated student.

When Yan Hao learned that the Federation was going to award him with the Purple Medal of Honor, he was shocked, feeling that he didn’t deserve such high honor. The phantom spirit stone hadn’t been discovered by only him alone. It was Old Pang who had been the first to find the phantom spirit stone; he had only just discovered its use by coincidence.

“A piece of ore takes millions of years to form. The phantom spirit stone has always been there, it was just that no one noticed it, and although I happened to get one and discovered its uniqueness, I didn’t have any idea of or think of how to use it and let it sit in my warehouse for over a decade. If it wasn’t because of you, it would have probably continued to sit there for another ten or even thirty years until another you came along.” Old Pang told Yan Hao. In his heart, Yan Hao’s research in mech, as well as his contributions to the Federation fully deserved this Purple Medal of Honor.

“Old Pang is right. Everything in the world has its use, but until someone discovers their use, they are useless. You deserve this honor.” Old Zhong also persuaded from the other end of the video. “What’s more this Purple Medal of Honor is not just about honor; it’s more about responsibility. The appearance of the phantom spirit stone has indeed strengthened the Federation’s military force to some extent, but it’s still not enough to drive out the zergs completely. Mimetic mechs are the future of the Federation, so Xiao Hao, there’s still a lot that you need to do.”

“Master, I’ll remember.” Yan Hao promised seriously.

At the beginning of his rebirth, he had simply just wanted to escape the life he’d lived in the previous life, however unknowingly, he had reached this point today. He didn’t have any aspirations of building a distinguished career of achievements or fame, not before and more so not now. He was just doing what he wanted to do. However if what he was doing could help the Federation resist the invasion of the zergs, then he would be very happy, because he liked this world more in this life than he did in the last.

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