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Chapter 154.2 Balance

Editor: Jodi

As Yan Hao was on a vacation and so unable to go to the lab, he followed He Shao to classes. It had been over a year since he had last attended classes seriously, and so his sudden appearance in the classroom caused a huge stir. Especially since he had only recently published his research on phantom spirit stones, a strategic resource which was managed by the Federation that they, as students definitely didn’t have the right to come into contact with. However still curious, they couldn’t help but gather around Yan Hao to ask him questions.

And Yan Hao didn’t keep it a secret as he explained the process of discovering the phantom spirit stones as well as how to use them in the class again.

“So, phantom spirit stones will be the main material for mimetic mechs?”

“Mimetic mechs, in their top state, should synchronize with the human brain, which means synchronizing with our mental energy, and phantom spirit stones are currently the only known ore that can transmit mental energy at high speed, so as of now, they are indeed the main material for mimetic mechs.”

“Then when can we see a mimetic Mech that is fully synchronized with the human brain?”

“That might have to wait until a level ten mimetic mech is made.” He and Old Zhong’s definition of a level ten mimetic mech was one whose system synchronized completely with the human brain.

“Then when will it be made?”

“I also don’t know.”

“It would be great if we could also research mimetic mechs.” Someone couldn’t help but say.

“Yes.” The rest chimed in. Mimetic mechs had always been the goal of Mech Builders; and all those who didn’t want to research them weren’t qualified Mech Builders.

“If you guys are interested, I can send you some basic materials to start learning.” Yan Hao said happily.

“Is this okay?” The crowd was shocked. They knew Yan Hao was very kind, and usually, whenever they had questions, he would explain to them patiently, and sometimes when they encountered something that even he didn’t know, he would even ask Old Pang for them. But those were all normal knowledge exchanges. Could they also ask for information on the mimetic system?

“It’s better we don’t.”

“Yes, we were just joking and expressing our envy. We don’t actually want to learn it.”

Obviously when he had said he would send them the materials just now, the expressions on their faces had been one of want, but now they were all saying they didn’t want it. How could Yan Hao not know the reason why? Smiling, he reassured them, “Since I said I will give them to you guys, then naturally it means it’s something that can be given out. Mimetic mech is a long-term research project, and since the first traditional mech appeared in the Federation, mimetic mech has always been a research direction for Mech Builders. Moreover, any technology might be pioneered by a certain person, but its development and perfection are definitely the work of many more people. Master once told me that when the time is right, he would even write a textbook on mimetic mech himself and add it to the traditional mech building textbook for the curriculum.”

“Really? Mimetic mech will be included in textbooks?”

“Old Zhong will popularize the method for building mimetic mechs?”

“When will that happen?”

“Once the method for the building of mimetic mechs becomes more mature. But you have to be very good at math to be able to study mimetic mechs.” Yan Hao reminded them.

“Do we have to be at your level?”

“Are you stupid? If we were at his level, why would we still need to study? Of course it’s that we have to be at the level where we can understand the textbook.” Someone said preemptively before Yan Hao could answer.

“Then there’s still some hope.” They all let out sighs of relief.

Yan Hao followed his classmates and attended classes routinely for a week and on a particular day after class, a young man in a silver military uniform with a Lieutenant Colonel’s insignia on his shoulder appeared at the door of the classroom. The students from Class 1 of the third year all recognized him, and so when the first person to walk out of the classroom saw him, they turned back and shouted inside, “Xiao Hao, someone is looking for you outside.”

“Thank you.” Sheng Heng thanked the enthusiastic junior with a smile.

A few moments later, Yan Hao walked out of the classroom with a surprised look on his face, walked a few steps to Sheng Heng, looked up, then shouted, “Senior, you’re back!”

“En, I’m back for the graduation ceremony.” Sheng Heng took Yan Hao’s hand in a natural manner. “I heard you’re on vacation?”

“En, Master gave me a month off, and there’s still 25 days left.” Yan Hao told him.

“That’s enough.” Sheng Heng was very satisfied with the length of Yan Hao’s vacation. It was a bit heart breaking to say that ever since they established their relationship, they hadn’t spent much time alone together. The longest time would probably be when the incident on Z Star Planet happened, and the reason for this was because Yan Hao had been unconscious in the hospital for several days.

“Let’s go out for lunch.” Sheng Heng suggested.

“Then let me let He Shao know.” Yan Hao told him.

“I’ve heard it, go ahead. I’ll ask for leave for you this afternoon.” He Shao had already come out of the classroom and was standing right behind the two at the moment.

“Thank you.” Sheng Heng nodded to He Shao in thanks, then left with Yan Hao.

Sheng Heng took Yan Hao to a high-end restaurant which wasn’t far from the university that had been recommended by Cheng Wenkang and was said to have a very high rating of positive reviews, however after he had a couple of bites, his expression soured. “That d*mn fatty, and he still said this restaurant’s food is good. The food here is worse than the one in our school’s cafeteria.”

Yan Hao wasn’t very picky with food, and so although he also felt that the food here was average, he didn’t find it difficult to eat: “Maybe this restaurant’s main focus is on the environment.”

“You like it here?” Sheng Heng asked.

“En.” The whole restaurant was decorated in a blue and white color scheme, which made it look clean and elegant, and every dining table had an exquisite candlestick placed on it, and with the accompaniment of soft music, it made it easy for one to relax, both in mind and in body.

And hearing that Yan Hao liked the place, Sheng Heng suddenly felt that the food here wasn’t so bad.

“How long can you stay in school for this time?” Yan Hao asked.

“After the graduation ceremony, I should be able to stay for a few more days.” Sheng Heng replied.

Yan Hao, biting his spoon, blinked as he looked at Sheng Heng. “Is it because of a mission?”


“Oh.” Yan Hao lowered his head, feeling a little lost. Master was worried about him being too engrossed in his research to spend time with Senior, but now it seems Senior was even busier than he was.

Yan Hao’s disappointed look pleased Sheng Heng. “You can’t bear to see me go?”

“A little bit.” Yan Hao’s greatest strength was that he liked to be straightforward, as he would say what it was that was on his mind.

“I’m sorry, I can’t push this mission back this time, but once it’s over, I’ll take a long vacation to spend time with you. I haven’t taken much leave in over a year, so I have a lot of vacation days saved up.” Sheng Heng told him.

“Why do I feel like you’re busier than you were before? I thought that with the phantom spirit stones upgrading the mechs, you wouldn’t have to go on missions as often as you did before.” Yan Hao said. Ever since Sheng Heng used his S level mental energy to kill a level nine zerg, he had been stationed continuously at the front line, and as long as high level zergs appeared, he would go out onto the battlefield with the army. This was also one of the reasons why he had risen to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel in just two years, as all the zergs he had killed were all high level zergs, each one bringing a significant amount of military merit.

“This mission is actually because of the phantom spirit stones.” Sheng Heng explained.

“Because of the phantom spirit stones?” Yan Hao didn’t understand.

Smiling, Sheng Heng explained: “The Federation’s troops stationed at the front line actually maintain a delicate balance with the zergs. The zergs can’t break through for a while, and we can’t drive them back either. But with the phantom spirit stones, it’s different. In the past three months, various legions have used the phantom spirit stones to upgrade their mechs, which has almost doubled the number of level eight and level nine mechs, and if it wasn’t for the fact that level ten mechs require S level mental energy in order to operate them, the military would even want to use phantom spirit stones to upgrade certain mechs to level ten mechs.”

“That probably won’t work. To upgrade to a level ten mech, S level mental energy might also be required.” In the entire Federation, there were no more than six people with S level mental energy, and he was the only Mech Builder among them. If they wanted to upgrade to a level ten mech, even he himself might not be able to do it.

“I know my boyfriend is the best.” Sheng Heng couldn’t help but tease Yan Hao every time he saw him being so serious.

His face turning red, Yan Hao lowered his head somewhat shyly to take a sip of soup. “You continue talking.”

“But this balance doesn’t mean that the zergs only have their current level of forces, just as the forces we have deployed at the front line aren’t the Federation’s entire forces. It’s a balance that has been reached through a long-term stalemate between both sides. But this balance won’t always exist, just like the zerg wave hundreds of years ago when the sudden appearance of the Zerg Emperor disrupted this balance, leading to a disastrous defeat for the Federation and the loss of dozens of planets. It wasn’t until the five level ten mechs appeared that the balance was restored.”

“But because of the appearance of the phantom spirit stones, the Federation’s advanced combat power has doubled, and now we are the ones who have the power to break this balance. And so the military has decided to take the initiative to strike before the zergs realize our strength, with the aim of recapturing the eight planets closest to the front line.” Sheng Heng told him.

“Among these eight planets, is there one that is a habitat for phantom beasts?” Yan Hao vaguely remembered from the information the Federation had given him about the habitats of phantom beasts that one of them, one of the largest planet, was on the front line.

“That’s right.” Sheng Heng nodded. “Phantom spirit stones are now a strategic resource, so the Federation is determined to recapture them.”

Yan Hao nodded. He naturally understood this.

“Then you have to be careful.”

“Don’t worry, this time it’s a surprise attack, and the entire army is being mobilized, so there won’t be any danger.” Sheng Heng reassured him.

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