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Chapter 80.4

Editor: Jodi

Gu Yuanzhao hurried over from a distance at the fastest of speeds, launching the twenty-four high-energy particle cannons on his shoulders as he did so. The projectiles shot out in a streamlined fashion, hitting their targets with pinpoint accuracy, striking the vulnerable points of the alien beasts.

Then massive explosions echoed all around them, obliterating all nearby alien beasts without exception.

Breathing heavily, he contacted Bai Jing via his communicator, “Ah Jing, are you alright?”

“I’m fine.” Bai Jing’s voice was chillingly cold, laced with obvious hatred, “Gu Yuanzhao, I will kill him. I will kill Ying Wenfeng and rescue An Ge.”

“Alright.” Hearing that Bai Jing was unharmed, the tension in Gu Yuanzhao’s heart began to ease, “Ah Jing, I’ll go with you.”

Although he was deeply concerned for Bai Jing’s safety, he also knew that his Ah Jing was strong, so he needed to trust him.

The two of them piloted their mechas through the horde of alien beasts, carving a bloody path towards Ying Wenfeng’s location as they did so.

And the alien beasts, driven mad by orders, ignored everyone else and focused solely on pursuing them.

Gu Yuanzhao instructed his subordinates to eliminate the straggling alien beasts and to lead the others to board the spacecraft.

The blue and silver-white mechas coordinated seamlessly, their high-energy particle cannons and laser beams sweeping through everything around them, leaving trails of dead alien beasts in their wake.

They were now very close to Ying Wenfeng.


A seven-foot-tall level-seven zombie stood atop a level six alien beast, its wolf-like tail covered in bristling barbs.

Those lifeless grey eyes gazed down at Bai Jing, drooling as if it could smell the scent of human flesh.

Bai Jing’s eyes turned icy, then his dark blue mecha shot forward like an arrow off a string.

Suddenly, Ying Wenfeng vanished from his sight, then a searing pain erupted from the shoulder of his mecha.

Such incredible speed!

The level seven zombie’s sharp claws were like the strongest of weapons, easily tearing through the outer shell of the mecha.

The two level six beasts roared and lunged at Bai Jing, only to be blocked by Gu Yuanzhao’s energy sword.

Watching the silver-white mecha maneuvering between the two alien beasts nimbly, constantly luring them away from him, Bai Jing understood immediately that Gu Yuanzhao was drawing their fire.

He had to seize this opportunity to kill the zombie himself.


The mecha shell on his arms, legs, shoulders, and back were ripped open by the zombie’s sharp claws, and Bai Jing, connected to the mecha, felt as if his entire body was wounded, however he was used to such pain. What’s more his mind was exceptionally clear at this moment.

He pushed his sense perception ability to its limit, continuously sensing Ying Wenfeng’s movements and calculating his attack patterns.

Then as the cold sensation approached again, the dark blue mecha sidestepped swiftly, evading the attack.

Laser beams shot out like a dense rain of arrows, creating cup-sized holes in the zombie’s body, however it wasn’t fazed.

Zombies were creatures that didn’t have a sense of pain— which meant no injury could stop its movements.

No wonder the Yuan family used a fusion of alien beast and zombie virus to create weapons— it was indeed a perfect combination.

Bai Jing sneered, his fingers searching for the right firing angle continuously. He only had one chance!

A steel-like tail came whistling towards him, but Bai Jing ducked hurriedly, avoiding it by a narrow margin. However another scratch appeared on the chest of his mecha, while the nano-string launcher clung to the zombie’s neck.

“Die already!”

As he sidestepped again, Bai Jing yanked the nano-strings hard, causing Ying Wenfeng’s neck to snap halfway, however he still lunged at the mecha’s cockpit with his mouth wide open!

The protective glass of the cockpit shattered under the zombie’s sharp teeth, and Bai Jing was hit with the overwhelming stench once more. Was he still doomed to die in the mouth of a zombie even after all this?

However the excruciating pain didn’t come. Instead, the protective shield on his wrist deployed automatically, blocking the zombie’s attack!

Bai Jing pulled out his L9 from his waist and pulled the trigger—

“Bang bang bang! Bang bang bang!” One air bullet after another exploded, blasting the zombie’s head to pieces, exposing the crystal core.

“Bang bang bang!” Bai Jing didn’t stop, still pulling the trigger frantically until a pair of large hands held his hand that was still firing.

“Ah Jing, Ah Jing! It’s already dead!”

Gu Yuanzhao removed the L9 from the teenager’s hand carefully, then pulled him into his arms.

His left shoulder soon became damp, and feeling Bai Jing’s tears, Gu Yuanzhao’s heart ached as he stroked the teenager’s back gently, saying softly, “Ah Jing, I’m sorry I was late.”

He continued to comfort him in a low voice, “It’s okay now, Ah Jing, everything is over.”

After a while, Bai Jing lifted his head, his eyes still red and his voice hoarse, “Let’s go save An Ge.”

All the alien beasts had been killed, and An Ge had been placed on clean ground by Gu Yuanzhao, protected by a shield.

An Ge’s expression was one of immense pain, his body radiating intense heat, what’s more the black jadeite around his neck had already turned two-thirds white.

Bai Jing took his mental power detector out, only to see that the value displayed was: 95400!

It was higher than his own mental power and still increasing!

Gu Yuanzhao’s face changed slightly, “Not good, his mental power is about to explode! We need to leave now!”

If mental power exceeded 100,000, it would reach the human body’s limit, and once it exploded, both he and Bai Jing would also be killed by the overwhelming mental power!

Bai Jing didn’t move. “Gu Yuanzhao, step back. I might have a way to save him.”

Then thin white threads of mental power extended from his body, branched out into countless tendrils, then formed a large mouth that began to devour the mental power that was surging from An Ge.

An Ge’s mental power stopped growing at a rate that was visible to the naked eye, then began to decrease, while Bai Jing’s mental power values continued to rise, then he channeled the excess mental power into the white stone, repeating the process over and over.

Despite this, Bai Jing’s mental power surged from 72,000 to 85,000, causing him an unbearable headache, teetering on the brink of explosion.

“Gu Yuanzhao, hurry up and hide!”

The moment these words left his mouth, waves and waves of invisible mental power radiated from his body, and wherever they passed, they reduced everything to fragments, even the corpses of the alien beasts.

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