My outside expression is different from my inner expression

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Chapter 106.2

Editor: Jodi

Naturally, Pei Jing would never agree to a divorce.

So she begged as she looked at Liu Xiahui, “Xiahui, you’re joking with mom and your uncle….. us, you’re telling lies, right?”

“Even if Xudong and I divorce, you won’t give him any money.”

Liu Xiahui raised an eyebrow, “Yes, of course I’m joking with you. Whether you divorce or not is none of my business, what’s more what does the Yu family’s life and death have to do with me?”

“Whether you’re together or apart, I won’t lend out a single penny.”

“Madam Yu, this is the good husband you chose?”

“He clearly hasn’t even confirmed the truth of my words yet but is already thinking about getting a divorce for money. You’ve really made me watch a good show.”

The expression on Xudong’s face was extremely ugly.

While the expression on Pei Jing’s face stiffened just as she started to release a sigh of relief.

“No, Xudong wouldn’t….”

“Wouldn’t what?!

Pei Jing couldn’t continue.

——Hadn’t he just tried to use their divorce as leverage to get money? Or was it that it was just a temporary measure and that after getting the money because of the divorce, she would come back?

Could she still return to being the Madam of the Yu family?!

Pei Jing felt as if she had been doused with ice water, feeling extremely uncomfortable.

And just at this moment, Li Qingzhou sighed, “A pity, even if what my big nephew said is true, the Liu family can’t lend you any money.”

“How is it possible that a creditor would lend money to his debtor, only for the debtor to pay him back with it. Right, Mr. Yu?”

This sentence contained a lot of information.

Yu Xudong and Pei Jing were dumbfounded.

Who did Li Qingzhou call his big nephew? Who was the creditor?!

Yu Xudong’s face suddenly turning pale, he looked at Liu Bohuai woodenly, “Mr. Liu….. What does President Li mean by that?”

“The creditor….. is the Liu family?”

Liu Xiahui looked at his third uncle in surprise. He didn’t know about this.

Li Qingzhou laughed lightly, answering him instead of Liu Bohuai, “Mr. Yu, I’ve already made it clear enough.”

“You want to suppress my Li Group in order to get to the top position, so you spent a lot of money to buy my company’s employee to obtain information then opened a betting pool abroad to bet on the Li Group losing…..”

“What, you’re allowed to use whatever means, but we aren’t allowed to fight back?”

“While your Yu family was trying all sorts of ways to deal with me domestically, did you ever consider that Ah Huai would control the situation and turn things around abroad in order to avenge me?”

Li Qingzhou had already gathered evidence of that employee betraying the company and had handed it over to the Xia family for handling.


The expression on Yu Xudong’s face gradually turned hideous, and it was as if the words were being squeezed out of his throat, “You guys are making my company go bankrupt just because of revenge?!”

How ridiculous…..

Li Qingzhou shrugged as he continued with his provocation, “You can only blame yourself for being so greed that you invested so much money in the betting pool.”

“You should have understood at that time that gains and risks go hand in hand. If you want big gains, then there will naturally be big risks.”

“Mr. Yu, no battlefield, wherever it is, can be controlled by one hand. You can’t grasp the ever-changing opportunities in an instant, so who can you blame?”


Yu Xudong and Pei Jing were dazed, in a trance as they walked out of the gate of the Liu family’s Old Mansion, pale faced.

However just before they got into the car, Yu Xudong suddenly stopped.

Causing Pei Jing who was behind him to almost bump into him as she didn’t notice his movements.

She opened her mouth, “Xudong, get in the car, let’s go, let’s think of another way, there has to be another way…..”

However Yu Xudong didn’t respond at all.

“Xudong, say something.”

The blow that had been given just now was so great that Pei Jing didn’t even have the energy to think about Yu Xudong wanting to divorce her for money.

However seeing that he not only didn’t answer, but also didn’t move at all, Pei Jing couldn’t help but reach out to shake his arm.

Only for him to fall to the ground the next moment with a ‘bang’ sound and not get up again.

——Pale-faced and lips purple, Yu Xudong had fainted.

“Xudong!” Pei Jing screamed.

After Liu Bohuai learnt about this, he asked the old butler to help then sent Yu Xudong, together with Pei Jing to the hospital.

Li Qingzhou scratched his chin, thinking in his heart, it couldn’t be that it was because of what he said, right…..

He turned his head, only to meet Liu Xiahui’s complicated and hesitant gaze, causing him to say in a justified manner, “Why are you looking at me?”

Liu Xiahui looked away.

[Tsk, my big nephew needs another lesson.]

——The little guy in the bubble pouted, his expression annoyed as he snorted.

And seeing Liu Bohuai return, Liu Xiahui walked over to him and asked, “Third Uncle, you’re going to bankrupt the Yu family?” Just for Li Qingzhou?!

Liu Bohuai just made a faint ‘En’ sound, then he looked at him, “Why?”

“Nothing.” Liu Xiahui replied gloomily.

He couldn’t stand the Yu family either, so them going bankrupt was just right.

But now that his third uncle had finally made a move, no, not just a move, a couple of moves, it was all because of Li Qingzhou?!

Can’t compare, can’t compare.

Liu Xiahui went to the side to squeeze lemons1 here, to squeeze lemons means he was jealous.

He walked to the small garden where Li Xusheng and Xia Yijun were swinging, having fun.

He watched for a while, walked away, then sat on the seesaw, causing the other end to pop up.

[Is my big nephew sick? Is it a mental illness, ha ha.]

——The little guy in the bubble held his hand to his forehead, went on his tiptoes, and glanced around.

And seeing this, Liu Bohuai walked over, hugged him from behind and whispered in his ear softly, “You really won’t consider staying the night?”

“Besides the headband, didn’t you also buy cat gloves…”

Blushing, Li Qingzhou tried to break free, but wasn’t able to, so he pinched Liu Bohuai’s finger, saying, “Those are for Jun Jun and Shengsheng. They looked so cute when they put them on earlier.”

“We also even took quite a few pictures of the two children, so how…. how can they be used on me.”

The last sentence was almost inaudible.

If it wasn’t for the fact that Liu Bohuai was right behind him, he wouldn’t have heard it at all.

And kissing Li Qingzhou’s earlobe, he whispered, “Then let’s buy something else, like….. a cat tail?”

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