Vicious male counterpart isn’t competing anymore [Rebirth]

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Chapter 143.2 No need to wait

Editor: Jodi

“Beep, beep, beep~~” All of a sudden, the car was filled with a continuous stream of message notifications, and Sheng Heng turned to see the terminal of Yan Hao’s light brain flashing as if it was possessed.

“My classmates at school have sent me so many messages.” When Yan Hao had first gotten his new light brain, his communicator had exploded with messages, however he had been in a hurry to catch the spaceship at that time, and so didn’t respond to them all. Then later, after he had reassured the people of Z Star Planet that he was safe through the live broadcast on the spaceship, he had kept his light brain off until just now. Who knew that once he turned it on, there would be so many messages?

Yan Hao read them one by one and found that most of the messages were asking about his health. It was obvious that although he had said to the public that he was safe, his classmates were still very worried about him.

Then realizing that there were too many messages, Yan Hao decided to post in the class group: [Thank you all for your concern. I have recovered completely now, and I’m back on Capital Star Planet. See you at the start of the new semester.]

This message set off an explosion in the class group, with dozens of messages popping up almost simultaneously, with He Shao even saying he was immediately going to buy a ticket to return to school.

Yan Hao reassured him hurriedly, [I’m going to be staying at Master’s Research Institute during the vacation.]

[Is it Old Zhong’s or Old Pang’s?] Previously, both Old Zhong and Old Pang had publicly acknowledged being Yan Hao’s masters online at the same time, so now the people in the class knew that Yan Hao had these two powerful masters.

[The Federal Research Institute.]

[That’s my dream place.] Someone said with envy.

[The one in charge of recruitment is my third senior brother. I’ll ask about the requirements for you later.] Yan Hao liked his classmates from the mech building department very much, so if there was something he could help with, then he was more than willing to help.

[My god, really? Does this count as me going through the back door?]

[I’m just asking for you. To get in, you still have to meet the Research Institute’s requirements.] Yan Hao replied strictly.

[That’s a given. Will I, your classmate embarrass you?]

Yan Hao couldn’t help but let out a light laugh. He really liked his classmates.

Yan Hao chatted with his classmates in the class group for a while, however his increasingly good mood was suddenly interrupted by a notice.

Sheng Heng had been paying attention to Yan Hao from the side all this while, so the moment he noticed that his mood wasn’t right, he looked over, his eyes sweeping over the screen of his light brain only to see one word flashing on it: [Mother]

“Don’t answer if you don’t want to.” Sheng Heng told him.

Yan Hao looked at Sheng Heng, and his emotions which had been fluctuating settled down immediately. He no longer had to thirst for warmth and love from others because there was one person who would always be by his side.

“It’s okay, I’ll answer, otherwise she’ll keep calling.” And saying this, he tapped the answer button.

The video projection appeared immediately, displaying the images of a middle-aged couple, it was Yan Hao’s parents.

“Yan Hao, what’s wrong with you? Why did you leave Z Star Planet without telling us? Do you know how long we’ve been waiting for you outside the hospital?” Lu Si Ying was the first to open her mouth, obviously very unhappy with Yan Hao for leaving Z Star Planet without telling them.

“I know.” Yan Hao nodded.

Now even Father Yan’s expression darkened. “If you know then why did you leave Z Star Planet without saying a word? Is it that guy next to you who egged you on?”

Sheng Heng wasn’t in the least bit flustered when he saw Father Yan glaring at him accusingly. He had expected this outcome when he first tried to stop them from meeting Yan Hao long ago.

“It has nothing to do with Sheng Heng.” Yan Hao shook his head.

“I don’t approve of your relationship.” Lu Si Ying had a negative impression of Sheng Heng from the start, and then with Yan Fei telling her that he had been threatened by Sheng Heng, she was even more determined to make Yan Hao break up with him.

Sheng Heng’s eyes narrowed, his expression changing for the first time.

“Our relationship doesn’t need your approval.” Yan Hao retorted without thinking.

“Yan Hao, I’m your mother.”

“If you weren’t my mother, I wouldn’t have even answered your call in the first place.” Yan Hao told her.

“What do you mean by that?” Lu Si Ying asked.

“You just said you’ve been waiting for me outside the hospital for a long time.”

“That’s right. Ever since you were admitted to the hospital, we’ve been staying in a hotel across from the hospital, and we went to the hospital every day to ask about your condition, but this guy next to you, he kept stopping us from entering, saying that your condition was unstable, and that we couldn’t see you casually. But Xiao Fei is a pharmacist, and he said that even though your condition was serious, as long as you wake up, there wouldn’t be any major issues, and that you can completely meet people.” Lu Si Ying explained.

“You guys were very worried about me?”

“What are you saying? Of course we were worried about you.” Father Yan said.

“But from just now up till now, have you said a single word to ask about my condition?” Yan Hao asked.

The Yan couple froze at the same time, a hint of embarrassment flashing in their eyes.

“How’s your health?” Father Yan asked, but this question, asked only after Yan Hao’s previous statement, felt awkward and ridiculous.

“Much better.” Yan Hao replied.

“It’s good that you’re better.” Father Yan said in embarrassment.

“It’s not that we don’t care about you, it’s just that you left without a word, and your dad and I only found out about your condition from the live broadcast. Think about it. If it were you, wouldn’t you be upset?” Lu Si Ying’s tone softened a little.

“You shouldn’t have waited for me because I’m past the age where I need someone to wait for me.” Yan Hao chuckled.

“What do you mean by that?” Father Yan seemed to realize that something was wrong at this point.

“Do you remember when I was six years old? I liked the amusement park and refused to leave, hoping that you guys would wait for me, but you guys left without looking back, leaving me alone where I was.”

“That’s because…”

“But you didn’t wait for me back then, and there’s even less of a reason for you to do so now.” Yan Hao interrupted his father who tried to explain.

“Yan Hao, is there a need for you to remember things from over ten years ago like this? And at that time we didn’t even know you were left at the amusement park. Besides, didn’t we go back immediately to look for you? And didn’t we buy you the mech model you liked afterwards?” Father Yan asked.

“Is it that no matter what you guys did as he was growing up, as long as you bought something small to coax Xiao Hao, he would forgive you two immediately, that’s why you’ve become fearless because you know you have that to back you up?” Sheng Heng, unable to hold back anymore attacked aggressively, “A six-year-old abandoned by his parents in a strange city, do you know how frightened he was at that time? That mech model could pacify Xiao Hao not because he liked mech models, but because he loves you. But you keep on taking advantage of his love for you, of him hoping eagerly to get even a lick of parental affection from you that it supposed to be given naturally that you keep on hurting him callously.”

“Senior, don’t be angry.” Yan Hao reached out to tug at Sheng Heng’s sleeve.

Sheng Heng, his face filled with fury, forcefully suppressed it the moment he looked at Yan Hao.

And it was only then that Yan Hao continued to say to the couple on the other end of the video call, “Let’s not bring up the past anymore.”

When the Yan couple heard this, they were instantly relieved, “Okay, we won’t mention it anymore.”

“From now on, you don’t need to concern yourselves with my affairs. I won’t be returning home, and you shouldn’t come looking for me either. Of course, as your child, I have an obligation to provide for you, so after I graduate, I will remit an allowance 1The allowance in a direct sense is more like payment for support of one’s parents to you every year. If you have any important matters, you can contact me or send a message, but please don’t do it too frequently because I won’t answer.” Yan Hao told them.

“Yan Hao, what are you saying?!” Lu Si Ying could hardly believe what she was hearing, and Father Yan was also enraged.

“What’s the date today?” Yan Hao turned to ask Sheng Heng.

“The 13th.” Sheng Heng replied.

“Let’s do it this way, from now on, you can contact me on the 13th of each month. I won’t answer at other times. That’s it. I’m hanging up.” Yan Hao said, then ignoring the almost frantic expressions on the faces of the people on the other side, he disconnected the call then set up a scheduled block which only allowed his parents’ calls to go through on the 13th of each month. Then, he went through his contacts and changed the father and mother to Mr. Yan and Mrs. Yan.

After doing all of this, he felt a sense of relief.

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4 thoughts on “Vicious male counterpart isn’t competing anymore [Rebirth]

  1. I’m so proud of Yan Hao’s decision to officially break it off with his parents. He clearly told them that their late “care” for him was useless because he’s grown beyond his initial dependence for their care and love. From this point on, Yan Hao can officially focus only on himself and his happiness without distractions from his past familial trauma. I can’t wait until he marries Sheng Heng and gets to experience what actual parental love is from their family.

    Thanks for the chapter! 😀

    1. I agree. I’m so proud of our boy! He set those boundaries nicely.

      Can wait to see him interacting more with his in-laws who will treat him like family members should.

  2. Thanks for the chapter! He is too generous, leaving them a way to contact him as well as providing them with an allowance .

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