Vicious male counterpart isn’t competing anymore [Rebirth]

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Chapter 157.1 Zergs

On the day after the award ceremony, all the bigwigs who had taken the time out to attend the ceremony returned to their posts in succession, with the three General Admirals of the three major legions leaving early. However Sheng Heng didn’t leave with General Admiral Sheng. Instead, he stayed in Capital Star Planet.

“You’re really on a vacation?” Yan Hao, who had been waiting for Sheng Heng to go with him back to the school was still a little unable to believe it.

“En, I requested for it early this morning.” The raid on the zergs had been a complete victory. The Federation had snatched back the eight closest planets that had been taken previously, and for the short term, the zergs lacked the capability to wage war again, hence it was a good time to go on a vacation. And it wasn’t only Sheng Heng, as many mech warriors also took this opportunity to submit their vacation requests.

“Then how long can you rest?” Yan Hao asked him.

“I’ve asked for a month.” Sheng Heng told him.

“A month? Didn’t you just get promoted? Won’t leaving for so long have a bad effect on you?” Sheng Heng had only recently been awarded the rank of Captain, and for a student who had graduated less than half a year ago, his military rank had already surpassed that of many previous graduates.

Sima Ming Xuan didn’t count, as he had been exceptionally granted the rank of Major General as he was the heir of the Sima Legion.

“There will definitely be some impact.”

Yan Hao’s eyes widened nervously.

“But it’s not as if I want to succeed the War God Legion, so why rush to get promoted?” Then after he finished saying this, he looked at Yan Hao’s expression for a while then suddenly added, “Xiao Hao, what kind of person do you want me to be?”

“What?” Yan Hao didn’t quite understand the meaning of Sheng Heng’s words.

“As in….. do you want me to have an illustrious career and then become the successor of the War God Legion?” Sheng Heng asked him.

“Isn’t the successor of the War God Legion Big Brother Sheng Zhuo?” Yan Hao asked in return.

Sheng Heng was stunned when he heard this, then chuckled in agreement: “Yes, it’s my big brother.”

He was also really too superfluous. Even if he became the successor of the War God Legion, so what? His father had been in the military for so long but hadn’t even earned a Purple Medal of Honor. In any case, he had already climbed up, so it was better for him to just lie down honestly and be a soft rice eater. After all….. Xiao Hao should probably not despise him, right?

His dream was to be a soldier who could protect his country and family, not to be the successor of the War God Legion. Being a successor was a responsibility, a responsibility he would definitely not delay if it fell to him, but for now, there was someone even more suitable than him.

Although the vacation was a month long, the two of them weren’t the kind to sit still, because during the day, Yan Hao went to Old Pang’s lab as usual to study and to do research. It was just that he no longer forgot to eat and sleep, not wanting to leave like he did before, as he disappeared right at dinner time. And regarding this, Old Pang couldn’t help but grumble. At first, he had been worried that Yan Hao, focused only on research, would neglect his partner and end up alone like him, but now, it seems… fortunately Sheng Heng was a soldier, and it was that they rarely had rest days, otherwise this would definitely be a case of a vixen, and it wouldn’t be known how much he would delay the progress of scientific research.

And this vixen, cough, Sheng Heng, wasn’t idle while Yan Hao was busy. The Mech Piloting Department of the Federal University, knowing that he was back on a vacation called him over to be a temporary Combat Master in line with their principle of making use of available resources, and the content of the combat was a new course that had been added this year, and that was– the use of the weapon ‘Haoyue’ in battle.

‘Haoyue’ was a weapon that had been designed for low level mechs, and although Sheng Heng didn’t use it often on the battlefield, as he was the earliest user of ‘Haoyue’, his mastery of it was second to none.

While the two were enjoying their vacation in a leisurely manner, the military was busy cleaning up the battlefield. In this raid, the Federation had annihilated countless zergs, however their corpses were still there. The bodies of the zergs were enormous and their shells hard and difficult to decompose, making their corpses a huge hassle to deal with. If it had just been a few corpses, it wouldn’t be a problem as they could just find a place and bury them all together, however as they were a species with a strong desire to reproduce, with their existence seeming to solely be for the purpose of reproducing, the number of their corpses on each planet that had been snatched back was overwhelming, leaving the Federation at a loss as to how to handle them.

Hence after a short period of research, the Federation decided that after they had collected some of their remains that were of research value, they would throw the rest into a spatial black hole, then utilizing the power of the black hole, obliterate their corpses. However even with this plan, a month still wasn’t enough to clear the remains of the zergs from the eight planets completely.

“Old Wei, how many zerg corpses have you transported today?” Because the corpses of the zergs were huge, their transportation required large machinery as well as mechs, and as there wasn’t any danger involved, the mech warriors in charge of this task turned on the internal comms to chat with their comrades while they worked.

“Three hundred and eighty-six.” A level five mech warrior known as Old Wei replied as he maneuvered his mech to drag the corpse of a level six zerg away.

“Heh, I’m at four hundred and one.”

“I’ve transported twenty level seven and one level eight zergs.”

“What are you being smug for? It’s not as if you’re the one who killed them. You’re just picking up their corpses.”

“I’ve been in the military for over a decade, but it’s now that I’ve finally gotten the chance to step on a level eight zerg.” Old Wei said with the tone of someone who had finally turned the tide. “I’ve dreamed of this day for years, and now I’ve finally gotten the chance to vent my anger thoroughly.”

And saying this, he maneuvered his mech to stomp on the corpse of a zerg that was beneath him a few more times. “These brainless monsters that only know how to reproduce. They should be wiped out.”

“I agree with this point. Why did they run to our Federation? It must be because they’ve devoured the galaxies they were originally staying in before moving on. So many zergs, who knows how much they’ve eaten and how many planets they’ve destroyed.”

“I heard from someone on Starnet that scientists have calculated the reproductive capacity of zergs and then estimated that for them to have developed to their current scale, they must have consumed at least two or more civilizations like ours.”

“Damn! It’s a good thing we have the ability to resist, otherwise if we were a lower civilization, wouldn’t we have been slaughtered by them completely?”

The universe was so vast, with many civilizations. The Federation had been formed when human technology developed to a certain stage with the linking and uniting of all the surrounding planets. However them having discovered these planets didn’t mean that the universe had just these planets, as they believed firmly that there were many other civilizations in far more distant places, some higher than theirs and of course, some lower than theirs.

“Scientists have also said that the zergs might come from a certain civilization, or that they themselves may be a civilization in their own right.”

“Ai-ya, stop it, you’re giving me the creeps.”

One after the other, the corpses of the zergs were loaded onto transport ships, and then the ships, carrying these corpses, flew towards the nearest spatial black hole and then dumped them all into it.

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