Vicious male counterpart isn’t competing anymore [Rebirth]

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Chapter 149.2 Phantom Spirit Stone

Editor: Jodi

And indeed, as Cheng Wenkang had predicted, Sheng Heng was indeed tempted, and stimulated by Cheng Wenkang, he remembered all the things that had happened since he met Yan Hao and realized that he really hadn’t done anything for Yan Hao purely relying on his own strength.

And so back in the class, he first checked the willingness of his classmates, then once he confirmed that they were willing to take on a mission independently from their teacher, he immediately drafted an action plan then went to their homeroom teacher’s office.

“These brats, just one semester into actual combat and they’ve gone wild, right? Actually wanting to carry out a mission on their own.” Their homeroom teacher scolded with a laugh.

After the third year, students of the mech piloting department would begin to come into contact with actual combat, and whenever that happened, after they saw the real battlefield, the students would show a polarization. One was fear, and the other was excitement. Students who developed fear but weren’t able to overcome it wouldn’t be able to become qualified mech warriors and wouldn’t be able to graduate smoothly, whereas those who became excited would try to break free from their teachers’ supervision to fight independently.

And of these two emotions, what teachers feared most was the latter, because fear made people cherish their lives, while excitement led to impulsiveness and blindness. A group of students with little combat experience being too impulsive on the battlefield was the easiest way for them to get killed.

“Teach, I’ll supervise them.” Sheng Heng pleaded.

“These people are all going to the War God Legion in the future, right?” The homeroom teacher asked.

“Yes.” Sheng Heng nodded.

“You can go, but you have to make sure that you will bring every single one of them back to me.” Their homeroom class teacher told him.


“Not just this time. Sheng Heng, you’re already a lieutenant, and as your rank gets higher, you have to repeat this sentence to yourself again and again every time you lead soldiers out.” Their homeroom teacher told him solemnly.

Sheng Heng’s expression also turned serious, and suddenly stepping back, he raised his right hand, and with a snap, placed it next to his temple, performing an incomparably perfect standard military salute.


The homeroom teacher smiled with satisfaction then lowered his head to sign his name on the application form.

Three days later, at Capital Star Planet’s port no.1, a group of handsome teenagers wearing silver-white school uniforms, full of fighting spirit, walked through the plaza and boarded a small warship in turns. Ten days later, this same small warship returned, and the teenagers walked out from inside one after the other. Their steps weren’t as steady as it had been when they left, with a few of them obviously injured as they walked somewhat unsteadily, however their brows still held a heroic air, and they even looked a bit more composed.

Back at school, Sheng Heng sent the excavated samples to Old Pang’s laboratory immediately, and Yan Hao conducted a test on the spot with a detector which revealed, after testing that this ore not only had a high compatibility but also a purification rate that was ten times higher. Compared to the ore that had been found on the Resource Star Planet, this ore’s purification rate had reached one hundred percent.

“Such high purity.” Yan Hao said in surprise.

“Finding this kind of stone in two different places, it can be basically confirmed that this stone is indeed a companion stone to the phantom beast.” Old Pang nodded.

“The purification rate is clearly better than the last piece. Does this mean that the more phantom beasts there were, or that the longer they lived in a particular place, the higher the purity of this stone?” Sheng Heng speculated boldly.

“This speculation of yours is very scientific.” Old Pang praised.

“Senior, how much of these such ores did you find in your exploration?” Yan Hao asked him.

“If we go by the purification percentage, then about the amount for two mech arms.” Sheng Heng said.

“So little?” Yan Hao was a little disappointed.

“Planet H009 isn’t that ancient in the history of the phantom beasts, the other planets will definitely have more ore, and the purity will be higher.” Old Pang continued, “I’ll write an application letter with Old Zhong to the Federation to ask them to organize manpower for mining. In any case, we have to first gather enough material for two mechs.”

This was a design that no one had ever tried before, so the ore loss during the mech building process couldn’t be predicted. Material for two mechs was already the minimum requirement.

The joint application from the two level ten Mech Building Masters was taken very seriously by the Federation, and after certain special procedures, the Federation took only one day to arrange mining teams, sending them to various planets to begin the excavation mission.

Half a semester passed in a blink, and the purified ores from various places were sent successively to the Federal University, and during this half semester, Yan Hao and Old Pang had also been researching how to quickly and effectively turn these ores into mech parts.

Phantom Spirit Stone, this was the name given to the ores after it was confirmed that they were really companion stones to phantom beasts. Every ore had different properties, and the methods of turning them into parts varied. For example, ores with high hardness were used for a mech’s outer arms, while those with good heat resistance were used to make thermal weapons. The phantom spirit stone was the latest ore that had been discovered, however it seemed to have no other unique properties except for the fact that it absorbed mental energy.

Yan Hao and Old Pang together tried making thousands of parts together, however none met the requirements. The only good thing was that the phantom spirit stone’s ability to absorb mental energy wasn’t damaged by the various processes.

On this day, Yan Hao tried to make a mech wheel axle, and holding a traditional metal-made mech wheel axle in one hand and a phantom spirit stone-made wheel axle in the other, he compared the two of them carefully, trying to find the difference between the two.

He watched and watched, ten minutes passed, then twenty minutes. He even used his mental energy to analyze the internal structure of the two wheel axles, but still couldn’t find the reason. Sighing in frustration, he laid the two axles on the side casually.

It wasn’t until he was about to leave the lab in the evening that he remembered the traditional axle and planned to take it out to put it back in its place. However when he reached for the traditional axle, he was shocked to find that the axle made of phantom spirit stone had somehow stuck to the traditional axle.


No, the phantom spirit stone didn’t have a magnetic force. Was this fusion?!

He stared at the thin layer of black coating which was at the point where the two axles were connected and his mouth dropped open in shock.

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