I love you the most in the world [Entertainment circle]

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Chapter 183.2

Editor: Jodi

After some lively chatter, everyone finally settled into their seats.

Then Cheng Yu remembered that he needed to post on Weibo, so he took Lin An Lan’s marriage certificate, snapped a picture, then sent it to him.

“Should you post first or should I?” He asked him.

“I’ll go first.” Lin An Lan replied with a smile.

Then he uploaded the picture and typed out a message: [Happy birthday, Cheng Yu. Let’s stay together forever.]

Cheng Yu quickly reposted his post, replying: [We will always be together. I love you.]

Their fans were stunned by the sudden posts. They blinked, blinked again then rubbed their eyes in disbelief before asking tremblingly, “Is that, a marriage certificate?!!!!!!”

“I’m blind, I’m blind, I’m blind, am I hallucinating?”

“Damn!!! How did you guys get married!!!”

“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh, don’t stop me, I’m going to die right here on this Weibo post!!!”

“Oh my god, oh my god, you guys are incredible!!!”

“A marriage certificate!!! A marriage certificate!!! I’m not blind, it’s really a marriage certificate!!!”

“Sob sob, crying tears of joy, my CP is even more real than I imagined. I’m so happy, I love you guys, I’ll always support Yu Lan!!!”

“Ahhhh, my babies, mom approves of this marriage!”

“Not only does mom approve, she’s also giving a betrothal gift. Mom is setting up a giveaway right now!!”

“Mom too! Giveaway, giveaway, endorsement giveaways! Movie ticket giveaways! Babies, you handle the marriage, leave the rest to mom!!!”

“Sob sob, I’m crying so loudly, I’ve lost my love, but I can’t compete with Cheng Ge, so An An, you must be happy and stay with Cheng Ge forever!!!”

“Yu Lan szd! So real!!”

“Hahaha, I’m so happy!! My CP got married!!! I’m literally bursting into fireworks!!”

Yu Lan CP fans quickly took the news to the forums, only to find that the melon eaters had spread the news even faster.

[“Breaking News!!!! Lin An Lan and Cheng Yu got married!!!”]

[“My whole family is shocked!!! Lin An Lan and Cheng Yu are married!!!”]

[“Holy crap!!! Lin An Lan and Cheng Yu got married!!”]

[“It must be true love, this pair is definitely true love, Lin An Lan and Cheng Yu got their marriage certificate!!”]

In no time, the forums were flooded with posts about Lin An Lan and Cheng Yu’s marriage.

Netizens stared at the post titles in disbelief. “It’s not April Fool’s Day today, right? This isn’t a joke, right?”

“They got married??? Married!!!! I remember they just went public during the New Year, right??!!”

“Oh my God, I thought they were sweet, but I didn’t expect them to get married so quickly!”

“Getting married at this age, it’s definitely true love.”

“Wow, I believe in love again. Damn, this couple is truly something else, so amazing!!!”

“Watch how ‘Yun Yun’ hits the video site’s trending hot search list again today. This movie is phenomenal—— ever since it launched on the site, it’s been consistently on the click list and trending hot search list. Basically, every time Cheng Yu and Lin An Lan do something, a bunch of people revisit this movie.”

“Hahaha, the main thing is that the movie is really well-made, and the reason why the public accepts them so well and why this CP is so recognized by passersby is largely thanks to this movie. The characters Jing Huan and Gu Shuyu are just too well-crafted. Jing Huan’s secret love and the eventual BE ending—who wouldn’t be heartbroken!”

“Sigh, they’re so happy. I’m so envious of this CP’s fans. They have a classic movie, two variety shows during their friends and dating phases, and now the real people have gotten married directly. It’s too perfect. I’ve never seen such a perfect CP fandom.”

“Fun fact, two years ago, Yu Lan was an obscure CP, really cold, like the Arctic. Back then, CP fans would be thrilled and happy all day just to see them at the same destination.”

“That’s why I say that the early shippers were real visionaries! They had an eye for talent!!!”

“The main thing is they had a rich big fan. Even though I’m not in the fandom, I know about that fan. That tycoon fan would host giveaways every day, attracting tons of new fans. From the ‘Backpacking For Youngsters’ variety show, they just took off and gained fans rapidly.”

“The main thing is their good looks. At the beginning, no one shipped them because they didn’t have any interactions. Who would have thought they were old classmates? Which is why the moment they met and appeared on the variety show, they skyrocketed. I remember the CP climbed to the top of the super topic list after just a few episodes of the show and never went down.”

“Yes, especially after ‘Yun Yun’ aired— it was incredible. Not only did they stay on top, all the later CPs combined couldn’t compare in terms of their numbers and activity. Then they went public and recorded ‘Let’s Date’, making it all the way to becoming a national and phenomenally popular CP.”

“I’m so envious, I’m so envious. I wish my CP could be like this too.”

“It’s tough. These two hit the sweet spot of both subjective and objective factors. They have high looks and popularity, knew each other from high school, and had a classic film boost. Recreating something like this is too hard!”

“Yu Lan is one of a kind!!! An An and Cheng Ge, happy wedding!! May you always be happy!!”

“Together forever!!”

“Grow old together!!”

“May you always bathe in love!!”

“Hurry up and hold the wedding!!”

Lin An Lan who was looking at the posts thought to himself, en, it would be soon, just two more months.

Then smiling, he put his phone down. Cheng Yu served him some food, and Lin An Lan looked at him with a smile in his eyes.

Starting today, they were no longer just engaged lovers, they were now married partners.

From now on, they would be the closest people to each other.

Feeling happy in his heart, Lin An Lan leaned in close to him, gave him a kiss, then lowered his head to eat.

And seeing this scene, the eyes of Xu Sheng and Hua Rong widened in surprise.

Damn!!! How could they be like this!! This was too much!

Both of them were instantly jealous, especially when they thought about how Lin An Lan was always polite and distant with others, not taking the initiative or getting close, but would smile and take the initiative to kiss Cheng Yu in private. It made them even more envious!

Double standards, this was too sweet and too sour!

Hua Rong, thinking this, poured Cheng Yu two more glasses of wine, feeling particularly sorry for his single self!


After the dinner, Cheng Yu didn’t linger with them for long, telling them that he wanted to spend time alone with Lin An Lan.

Yu Heng asked him, “Do you need me to give you a ride?”

“No need, big brother. I called for a designated driver.”

Yu Heng didn’t insist, “Happy wedding.”

“Thank you.” Cheng Yu said with a smile.

Cheng Yu had been smiling all day, and from this, Yu Heng could see how happy he was. To be more precise, it was that ever since Lin An Lan got together with him, he had been happy every day.

It seems he had never been this consistently happy, be it whether it was when he was small or after he grew up, but now, he was finally happy, and always happy.

Yu Heng thought to himself— this was very good, now he could be at ease.

“Go on, be careful on the way back.”


Hearing this, Lin An Lan also said goodbye to Yu Heng and got into the car with Cheng Yu to go home.

The ride was smooth, and they arrived home in no time.

And holding their marriage certificates, Cheng Yu placed them in the safe in his study carefully.

Lin An Lan couldn’t help but laugh, “Why are you putting them in there?”

“Of course it’s because I have to treasure and preserve them properly.” He said in reply.

Leaning against his shoulder, Lin An Lan watched the bright smile on his face. “Little flower, you look really happy.”

“Mm.” Cheng Yu wrapped his arms around him and kissed him on the forehead gently.

“I’m very happy.” He told him. “An An, I am extremely happy today. Really, incredibly, incredibly happy.”

Lin An Lan couldn’t help but smile, his eyes lighting up as well, “I’m very happy too.”

He added, “Especially happy.”

In an instant, Cheng Yu hugged him even tighter.

Sunlight streamed down, casting a golden, dreamy glow over Lin An Lan’s face. Cheng Yu kissed his brows, then whispered softly, “Can I do something a bit naughty?”

Lin An Lan felt that he was wickedly cute, “How naughty?”

Smiling, Cheng Yu began kissing his lips, gentle and continuous. “Doing something that’s not quite suitable for daytime.”

Cupping his face, Lin An Lan gave him a heavy kiss on the lips, “Approved!”

Cheng Yu scooped him up quickly, then flew toward the adjacent bedroom.

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