Vicious male counterpart isn’t competing anymore [Rebirth]

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Chapter 147.1 Ore

Editor: Jodi

In a blink of an eye, a week passed, and Yan Hao’s parents kept watch at the school’s front and back gates but never managed to see him. Yan Hao had already been back at school for a week- this was something Yan Fei had told his parents the second day Yan Hao returned, making the Yan Couple try every means possible to get him to come out to meet them, but to no avail.

Was this still the same eldest son who used to agree to everything they said as long as they just frowned a little?

The Yan Couple went from initial anger to bewilderment, then finally began to reflect, and at the same time, remembered the words Sheng Heng had said previously.

“That mech model could pacify Xiao Hao not because he liked mech models, but because he loves you. But you keep on taking advantage of his love for you, of him hoping eagerly to get even a lick of parental affection from you that is supposed to be given naturally that you keep on hurting him callously.”

So now, Yan Hao didn’t love them anymore?

“Xiao Fei, from childhood to adulthood, have we not loved your big brother?” Lu Si Ying murmured as she asked.

“How is that possible? Which parents in the world don’t love their own children?” Yan Fei froze for a moment, then said quickly.

“Then why do they say that your dad and I are biased?”

“That’s…. that’s because big brother always used to make you and dad angry.” Yan Fei told her.

Lu Si Ying looked at him with a complicated expression: “So, we were really biased.”

“Let’s go.” Father Yan turned around, leading the way out.

Lu Si Ying followed suit, following him to a hover car parked not far behind that they had called in advance. Yan Fei sent the two onto the hover car, and the moment it left, his expression also relaxed.

It had been his suggestion to let his parents come to the school to look for Yan Hao. He had originally thought that with Yan Hao’s thirst for familial love, as long as his parents showed a little weakness, he would immediately have a change of heart. However what he didn’t expect was that this time, not only did his parents not see Yan Hao, they couldn’t even enter the school gates. That aside, he even thought that with his parents waiting outside and Yan Hao avoiding them, it would tarnish Yan Hao’s reputation, however somehow, over these past few days, Yan Hao’s reputation was intact while he himself was subjected to whispers and finger pointing everywhere. Where had he ever been subjected to such humiliation? Hence immediately, the idea of making his parents leave arose, and he persuaded them several times, and it wasn’t until today that they finally left. However no matter what, it was good that they were gone.

“Di Di.” Suddenly, the terminal of his light brain sounded, it was a message from Sima Ming Xuan asking him to come to the Mech Piloting Department.

Overjoyed, he turned and ran in that direction, quickly arriving at the Mech Piloting Department.

“I have a headache, configure some medicine for me.” The moment Yan Fei entered, before he could even catch his breath, he was assigned a task.

However he wasn’t angry, and walking proficiently to a workbench on the side, began preparing the medicine, mentioning the issue concerning his parents leaving as he did so.

“It’s good that they are gone, so as to save them from losing face.” Sima Ming Xuan said bluntly without a trace of politeness.

Yan Fei’s hand that was moving froze. No matter whether his parents’ actions were appropriate or not, as his boyfriend, how could Sima Ming Xuan talk like that?

Sima Ming Xuan, with his keen senses, felt it the moment Yan Fei’s movements stopped and looked over: “What, am I wrong? You know very well how you guys treated Yan Hao before in your heart. The Yan Hao of today is no longer someone you guys can climb up to. Do you think he’s still the same pathetic little person you used to bully? Even if he were willing, the people around him aren’t.”

“If I were you, I wouldn’t even come to the school. As long as you don’t bring up the past, Yan Hao won’t go out and talk about it, and staying on Z Star Planet, you guys can still benefit from being Yan Hao’s family. But you just had to come here to humiliate yourselves. If it really gets out to the whole Federation, with Yan Hao’s current popularity in the Federation and the military, do you think you’ll still have good days ahead?”

Yan Fei, being a smart person, immediately understood Sima Ming Xuan’s blunt words and his face turning pale, reminded himself silently that before Yan Hao’s popularity fell, he couldn’t allow his parents to say anymore nonsense to the outside world.

Yan Hao didn’t know about all these things, because after returning to school, he was either going to classes or at Old Pang’s Research Institute and didn’t even hear a word about his parents from the people around. It wasn’t until lunchtime that He Shao told him that his parents had left the school.

“It doesn’t matter whether they are here or not, they have nothing to do with me.” After two lifetimes, Yan Hao had long since had little affection for his parents. Him still maintaining monthly communications now was just because he didn’t have a reasonable excuse to sever ties with them.

“Not bad, you’ve really grown up. We were afraid that you would become softhearted and run to the school gate to see them. During this period of time, we’ve all been holding back, not daring to mention it in front of you.” He Shao said with relief.


“Me, our classmates, and those seniors and juniors in the dorm.” He Shao explained. “And there’s another thing you don’t know. Yan Fei came to the department several times to look for you, but we drove him back each time and even scolded him.”

Without the need for He Shao to say anything, Yan Hao could tell just from his beaming expression that he was definitely the main force behind the scolding.

“He Shao, was it you who helped me?” Yan Hao knew that he was liked better in this life than in the previous life, but it wasn’t to the point where it could make the entire department help him, so there had to be something else going on.

“It wasn’t much. It’s just that when Yan Fei was spreading false rumors about your lack of filial piety, I picked a crowded place and elaborated a bit on how your parents are biased and how they treated you since childhood. The highlight, was exposing Yan Fei’s white lotus attribute.” He Shao’s brows were filled with pride. He had long been waiting for such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to call Yan Fei out, and it had finally come.

Wanting to use public opinion to attack their Yan Hao? What a joke. Hyping things up? He had grown up seeing all that, okay?

“Thank you.” Yan Hao was deeply moved.

“Really want to thank me? Then help me modify the design of a mech when we go back.” He Shao said with a mischievous laugh.

“You’re making a mech?” Although Yan Hao was already a level 6 Mech Builder, he also knew that under the normal school progression, students of the Mech Building Department wouldn’t start making mechs until the second semester of their third year.

“It’s not just me, everyone in our class has started preparing to make a mech.”

“Is it a task assigned by the school?”

“No, we requested it ourselves.”


“Why else? It’s because there’s a god of learning in our class who is already a level 6 mech builder in the first semester of his sophomore year. Although we can’t compare to the god of learning, we are at least still his classmates, so even if we can’t make a level 6 mech, we should still be able to make a level 4 one earlier by putting in a little bit of effort right?” He Shao told him.

Yan Hao’s eyebrows curved when he heard this, a smile at the bottom of his eyes: “Alright, I’ll modify it for you when we go back.”

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