I love you the most in the world [Entertainment circle]

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Chapter 181.2

Editor: Jodi

Lin An Lan and Cheng Yu had enjoyed this variety show. The staff were responsible and pleasant, and apart from Jiao Wenxiu, the other guests had had decent personalities.

What’s more, they had spent over a month happily together, creating sweet memories of their passionate romance.

And netizens agreed with this statement wholeheartedly.

Because as they watched each episode, they went from “I wonder what’s going on with these two” in the beginning to “They are really well-matched” and finally to “Damn! I’ve locked the Yu Lan couple, I’ve swallowed the key!” And by the end of the show, the majority of netizens had become their cp fans.

The Yu Lan couple had almost become the national cp that even those who didn’t follow them wouldn’t deliberately avoid them.

And by the end of the show, driven by the popularity of Lin An Lan and Cheng Yu, all the guests with distinctive features had gained fans, especially Sun Qianqian and Nie Jia, who, as a pair of delightful frenemies, had unexpectedly become a dark horse on the CP rankings.

In contrast, Zhang Qihan and Jiao Wenxiu’s pairing took a different turn. Initially, netizens thought they were a handsome man and a beautiful woman who were quite a match. But from the second episode, when Jiao Wenxiu argued with Lin An Lan and Cheng Yu, netizens were shocked.

“No way, right? It’s 2022, and there are still such outdated artifacts?”

“Oh my god, who gave him the courage to argue with Lin An Lan and Cheng Yu? Does he really think he’s so reasonable?”

“Ugh, the scary thing is that there are people in my circle who think he makes sense. Disgusting.”

“Sis, run away!!!!”

From that episode on, Jiao Wenxiu’s reputation plummeted, and Zhang Qihan’s Weibo account received numerous private messages from fans, advising her not to stay with such a chauvinist.

“Sis, we’re not against you dating, but you should at least choose a better partner. Let’s not talk about anything else. Just look at Cheng Yu and Lin An Lan—— they record shows together every day. Sis, look at them, then look at Jiao Wenxiu. He doesn’t deserve you!”

And Zhang Qihan, already feeling lost, became even more unsure of what to do. However the final straw that broke the camel’s back was their argument.

Because in a fit of rage, Jiao Wenxiu said, “It’s all your fault for insisting on joining this variety show. Now look at what’s happening now. I’m the internet’s punching bag. Are you happy now? I told you not to go, but you insisted. Now look, how many endorsements have I lost? Why don’t you ever think of me? First you want to go public with our relationship, then you want to join a variety show. Why are you so vain? Do you have to flaunt everything before you’ll be satisfied? Are you happy now?”

Zhang Qihan looked at him, wanting to retort but unable to find the words to. She didn’t know what to say and what could she say?

Was joining a variety show vanity?

Was it a huge crime to want to go public with their relationship and record a show together?

But didn’t Lin An Lan and Cheng Yu do the same thing?

Their combined fan base was more than ten times she and Jiao Wenxiu’s put together, yet they had gone public and recorded a show, even becoming a national CP phenomenon after the show aired.

They had done the same thing, so why was she considered vain for doing it?

In the end, she steeled her heart and said to him, “Then let’s break up.”

Jiao Wenxiu thought she was just bluffing and so snapped, “Fine! If we don’t break up, then I’m a loser! Let’s break up now! Pack your things up right this instant and get out of my house!”

Zhang Qihan packed her things quietly and left his house.

Then she took a car back to her own place and, looking at the loneliness around her, suddenly started crying.

She cried for a long time before finally drying her tears and sending a WeChat message to her agent.

After sending it, she saw the group chat for the variety show recording. She remembered Lin An Lan’s words to her that night after Jiao Wenxiu argued with Lin An Lan and Cheng Yu while she was washing dishes.

Then driven by a sudden impulse, she clicked into the group chat and added him on WeChat.

Lin An Lan accepted quickly, and it was obvious he wasn’t that busy, as he took the initiative to ask: [What’s wrong?]

Zhang Qihan hesitated for a moment, then told him: [I broke up with him.]

She added: [Thank you for standing up for me that day.]

Lin An Lan was a little surprised. Although he had hinted that Zhang Qihan should break up with Jiao Wenxiu, he hadn’t pushed too hard because they weren’t that close.

Unexpectedly she had figured things out on her own and really broken up with him. It was quite a pity.

He replied: [That’s good. You’re attractive and have a great personality. You’ll definitely find someone better. It’s his loss, but your gain.]

And comforted by his words, Zhang Qihan couldn’t help asking: [Do I really have a great personality?]

She still cared about Jiao Wenxiu’s accusations of her being vain.

Lin An Lan replied patiently: [Of course you’re great, so be confident. You’ll definitely meet someone better. Believe in yourself, you’re worth it.]

And reading his message, Zhang Qihan felt a bittersweet warmth. She replied: [Thank you, Lin Ge. You’re really kind. I wish you and Cheng Ge everlasting love and happiness, and that you two will grow old together.]

Lin An Lan was delighted: [We will.]


Lin An Lan told Cheng Yu about this when Cheng Yu came home, and Cheng Yu tsk’d, “They’ve finally broken up. This girl has everything going for her, except she’s too young to see clearly. Now that she’s regained her sight, it’s not easy.”

“Yeah, but it’s good she figured it out.”

“To celebrate her breaking up with that jerk, let’s go on a date today.”

Lin An Lan: ??????

Lin An Lan was both amused and exasperated, “You just want to go on a date. Don’t use her breakup as an excuse.”

Cheng Yu hugged his waist, “Don’t expose me. I’ve been so busy lately that we haven’t had time to go on a date. Now that I have some free time, please agree.”

Lin An Lan pinched his cheek, “Alright, who made you my only little flower.”

Then he changed clothes and went out with him.

The next day, Zhang Qihan posted a breakup statement, writing gracefully about their irreconcilable differences and them parting ways amicably but not remaining friends.

Netizens responded: “Well done!”

“You should’ve broken up long ago!”

“Sis, I support you!”

“Damn, that was satisfying.”

Zhang Qihan was a little confused as she looked at the sudden increase in her number of fans. So, this was a blessing in disguise? Even though she was heartbroken, she had inexplicably gained a batch of fans?

Her agent: “You’re silly. There’s no disaster here. The best decision you made was joining this variety show. Otherwise, how could you have seen Jiao Wenxiu’s flaws clearly and broken up with him? This is a good thing. From start to finish, the only disaster was dating him. Everything else has been good!”

Zhang Qihan: …Alright then.

And as she was thinking this in her heart, she was grateful to Cheng Yu and Lin An Lan. Unfortunately, they were too famous now, so she probably wouldn’t get to collaborate with them again, which was a bit of a pity.

Lin An Lan and Cheng Yu had no idea they had unknowingly become Zhang Qihan’s new idols. At this moment, they were sitting at home, seriously contemplating, “Isn’t it time for us to start preparing for the wedding?”

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