Vase cannon fodder is pampered by the group again

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Chapter 39.2 Shen Ci is enlightened: percentage on progress bar-30

Editor: Jodi

During the lunch break, Shen Ci planned to keep it simple and eat with the crew directly.

After finishing the last scene of the morning filming, the makeup artist came over to help him remove his makeup a bit, so Shen Ci could rest until the evening and then continue to film the last two scenes.

The workload on the first day was so heavy that Shen Ci was indeed a bit overwhelmed, so he planned to take a nap in the artist van in the afternoon.

Brother Zhang had just left the set, probably to get the crew’s boxed lunches, causing Shen Ci to be curious about what they would be eating today…..

Then he pushed open the door of the lounge and froze as he saw what was in front of him, “….”

A large table full of dishes greeted his eyes, looking just like a sumptuous feast fit for a king. Brother Zhang suddenly seemed like a busy palace maid, as he bustled around and arranged dishes, with a large stack of delicate lunch boxes by his feet.

It wasn’t just Shen Ci, as practically everyone in the lounge had puzzled expressions on their faces.

A few actors who had already received their meals looked down at the rice and three dishes in their lunch boxes, “…”

Their food suddenly didn’t seem so appealing anymore.

Shen Ci: “Is this the food…… from the crew’s boxed lunches?”

Brother Zhang looked up with a smile, “If this were boxed lunches, our crew would go bankrupt tomorrow. President Lu sent it, hurry up and eat.”

Brother Zhang’s words immediately caused a wave of envy the moment he was done saying it.

They had long heard gossip about Shen Ci’s close relationship with Lu Xiao, and now it seemed that Shen Ci was following the rhythm of being the young prince of Yunxiao….

A junior actor nearby was amazed and muttered quietly, “Damn, I recognize the logo of this restaurant. I don’t even dare go in, and I heard that one dish costs thousands of yuan….”

“With a good family background, connections and skill, if I were him, I wouldn’t even bother acting….. I’d just go back and be a homebody.”


Lin Wan listened to all these discussions with a frown.

Lu Xiao? He kept on feeling that his relationship with Shen Ci wasn’t that simple…..

Lu Xiao’s generous spread really scared Shen Ci.

Buying a new house specifically, and sending so much food for lunch, Lu Xiao had been acting a bit strangely these past two days. It was as if he was being a bit more flashy.

Shen Ci couldn’t refuse his hospitality, however he couldn’t finish it all by himself, so he simply called all the actors who were still in the lounge to eat together.

Most of these actors were newcomers with little money, so they were all drawn over immediately, and while enjoying the food, they also labeled Shen Ci as a “kind-hearted tycoon”.

After eating a few bites, Shen Ci put down his chopsticks. Rather than filling his stomach, he now wanted to sleep, so after greeting everyone, he went to sit in the corner to rest, waiting for Brother Zhang.

“I didn’t expect I would also be able to mooch off an evil capitalist’s meal, it’s quite delicious.” Qin Yun smiled as she walked over holding a box of strawberries.

Qin Yun wasn’t very aloof. She was quite cheerful, her personality quite similar to that of Xia Qing Qing’s, who was very outgoing.

After the script reading meeting the last time, Shen Ci and Qin Yun exchanged WeChat. They had also chatted quite a bit in the past month, mostly about the script, and so had become somewhat acquainted.

Yang Ning also walked over to join them at some point, then sitting on the two large sofas in the corner, the three of them chatted casually.

“Idol, can you do me a favor?” Yang Ning said with a smile a he fed Shen Ci a strawberry.

As soon as he heard him call him “idol”, Shen Ci knew that it wouldn’t be anything good.

Seeing Shen Ci chewing silently, Yang Ning continued, “You know, we’re both fly ins. This is my first time acting, and I don’t know anything, but I’ll have to play opposite Qin Yun in a scene where we fall in love for the first time.”

“Idol….. can you give me some tips on how to act in emotional scenes?”

Shen Ci waved his hand lazily, “This question won’t do, next.”

Yang Ning didn’t give up, “No way right? You did so well in ‘Don’t Say Farewell’! That’s why I came to you!”

Shen Ci sighed, “…. Please, take a look at what professional critics say about my emotional scenes, they all say I was painfully awkward.”

Qin Yun teased, “He’s already calling you “idol”, maybe it’s because his filter is too thick. After all, Xiao Ci, you’re so good-looking, your acting skills don’t stand out as much.”

“Ah, emotional scenes, I also want to learn…” Shen Ci let out a sigh of despair that came from him being single from birth.

Yang Ning also sighed, “Having never been in love, it’s really hard to understand these things. It’s so troublesome.”

Qin Yun who was reaching for a box of blueberries was surprised, “None of you have ever been in love? Really?”

Two resentful glares stabbed at Qin Yun, who laughed awkwardly, “Sorry, sorry, you both are so handsome but haven’t dated, I was just curious.”

Yang Ning’s face turned a bit red due to embarrassment, “You’re so good-looking too, but haven’t you also never dated?”

Qin Yun smiled, raising her eyebrows with a charming air about her, “Little brother, how do you know big sis hasn’t dated?”

Yang Ning protested, “What the heck, Xiao Ci is definitely younger than I am!”

Shen Ci: “Stop, stop, stop, don’t drag innocent people into this, okay?”

Qin Yun couldn’t help but laugh brightly, “To someone like me, who has had over a dozen relationships, you both are little brothers.”

Shen Ci & Yang Ning: “???”

Yang Ning’s eyes were immediately filled with awe as he handed Qin Yun a large strawberry respectfully, “Big sis, you’re really a big sis.”

Taking it, Qin Yun ate it, smiling somewhat smugly, radiating a confident and dazzling beauty.

Yang Ning smiled, “No wonder big sis handles emotional scenes so well. Can you pass down some experience?”

Qin Yun nodded, “Of course, no problem. Actually, many actors who play emotional scenes are single.”

“As long as you’ve liked someone before, you can somewhat understand the feeling of love, and with that it’ll be much easier to immerse yourself in emotions when acting.”

“Even if you guys haven’t been in love, you’ve had feelings for someone before, right?”

Yang Ning shook his head immediately.

Shen Ci thought of Shao Jinhuan, hesitated for a moment, then shook his head too.

Qin Yun sighed, “Still love rookies….. Close your eyes and listen to me. Perhaps you like someone without even realising it.”

Both of them closed their eyes obediently. Qin Yun’s voice was gentle and faint, gently illuminating the first beacon.

“If you were hurt and urgently needed help, besides family, who would you think of first?”

Memories of the last party when he fell into the water flashed through Shen Ci’s mind. At that time, his mind had gone blank, and crammed with fear, his heart had struggled to call out a name—

Lu Xiao.

Shocking himself, Shen Ci’s eyes flew open.

Qin Yun reached out and forced his eyes shut again, “You have someone in mind? Keep going.”

“If you achieve great success in your career, win an Oscar or a music award, who besides family would you want to share the good news with first?”

The scene of his performance at the annual meeting slowly faded. At that time, he had just finished singing, smiling as he locked eyes with Lu Xiao in the audience, the thunderous applause and cheers from the audience fading away quietly.

The smile on Lu Xiao’s lips had made Shen Ci feel as if a heavy burden had been lifted from his heart, as if the purpose of his hard work was simply to seek Lu Xiao’s affirmation and praise.

“Is there someone you can’t bear to imagine marrying someone else on their wedding day? From that day on, you will no longer have the right to participate in their life.”

It was still Lu Xiao, dressed in a groom’s suit, holding the hand of a beautiful and gentle bride, but in his eyes, there was the tender gaze he usually reserved for Shen Ci. Petals danced between them in the sunlight, and he lowered his head to kiss her lovingly.


Shen Ci suddenly opened his eyes, breathing heavily.

His heart felt strangely sore and numb, and his eyes seemed to be tinged with red.

He lowered his head, gasping for air, only to realize that the person who had flashed through his mind all throughout the scenes just now was Lu Xiao….

How could this be? Shen Ci’s mind was in turmoil. His little uncle treated him like family, yet he subconsciously thought of him like this….

Impossible, it must be because he was too familiar with Lu Xiao, that was why he would subconsciously think of him.

Shen Ci tried very hard to console himself.

Yang Ning’s expression wasn’t that great either, looking like he was about to cry, very disappointed with his head down.

Qin Yun froze, and seeing his uneasy expression, hesitated to speak, then winked at Shen Ci who seemed calmer.

Suppressing his complex emotions, Shen Ci reached out and pushed Yang Ning, asking absentmindedly, “Ning Ge, what’s wrong with you?”

Yang Ning sighed, “My love, it turns out to be an illicit affair, destined not to be together.”

Shen Ci: “?”

Qin Yun was very nervous, “It, it can’t be that it’s a biological sister or something, right…?”

Yang Ning tilted his head back to hold back tears that didn’t exist, his voice tinged with a faint sadness, “I actually like the dog I’ve raised…”

Qin Yun: “….”

Shen Ci: “….”

What had he been so troubled about just now? It seemed he had suddenly forgotten.

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