My outside expression is different from my inner expression

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Chapter 105.1

Editor: Jodi

The Li Group once again stole the spotlight following the AI Robots Exchange Competition’s International Grand Finals.

——This time, the debut of their autonomous driving cars, coupled with their victory over foreign autonomous driving technology, sparked discussions nationwide.

The Li Group and Li Qingzhou became thoroughly famous, to the extent that Li Qingzhou could be recognized by one or two people on the street.

His fame rivaling that of celebrities.

Meanwhile, national agencies praised both the Li Group and Li Qingzhou.

And they even made headlines on the evening news and received special coverage.

Old Master Li, no longer wore the worried expression he had during the bet, a spring in his step as he smiled at everyone he met.

The Li Group was now miles ahead in Xicheng and had gained significant ground in Yanjing as well.

Everyone’s praise for Li Qingzhou kept escalating.

——The term ‘nouveau riche’ was now fitting for Li Qingzhou, or rather, the rise of the Li Group in Yanjing was already unstoppable.

Certain families with eligible daughters and/or granddaughters began to show interest.

While certain companies that had previously crossed paths with the Li Group or Li Qingzhou chose to step aside.

Because now, the Li Group had a high reputation and was now even a company that the country valued, with honors and praises aplenty.

In short — they had influential backers.

Making it so that anyone who wanted to bully them had to consider how much they weighed, especially since the Li Group was now a force to be reckoned with.

In comparison, certain companies were having a rough time.

——For example, the Yu family.

Netizens had a bad impression of the Yu family, unanimously calling them a ‘foreign company’ that didn’t show patriotism.

And from this, it could be seen how much the collaboration between the Yu and the Casper families to bully C Country’s autonomous driving technology irked people.

Of course, if the Yu and Casper families had won against the Li Group’s autonomous driving technology, the situation would be different now.

Unfortunately, that would never ever become a reality.

Yu Xudong tried every means to raise money, however it was all in vain.

Then desperate, he asked Pei Jing to go beg the Liu family and Liu Xiahui.

“If we aren’t able to pay on time, the Yu family will have to file for bankruptcy…”

Yu Xudong begged Pei Jing softly as he hugged her.

Pei Jing naturally agreed, for the sake of the family.

Moreover even Mother Yu, who had always been critical of her, softened her tone and spoke gently, making it hard for her to refuse.

She had cut off contact with Liu Jizhen during their quarrel, and she knew that Liu Bohuai was Li Qingzhou’s lover.

As for Yu Kun, he didn’t want his parents to know about him having met Liu Yunfei, so he didn’t mention what he saw at the hotel.

Pei Jing thought Liu Xiahui’s attitude toward her had changed for the better.

However when she went to his house, Liu Xiahui refused her directly, not even letting her in.

Standing outside the door, Pei Jing told him, “Xiahui, just think of it as helping mom out. The Liu family is so wealthy, this amount is nothing.”

“If you help mom, the Yu family will repay you…”

Liu Xiahui sneered coldly, “The Yu family and I have no ties, why should I help?”

“I already told you to stop coming back. Our relationship as mother and son ended when you left the Liu family.”

“You are just a stranger, so even if this amount means nothing to the Liu family, even if it’s just a hundred yuan, we won’t lend it.”

Unable to hold back anymore, Pei Jing said angrily, “Xiahui, we are the ones close to you!”

“Even if you and your third uncle are close, when Liu Bohuai marries and has children, can you, his nephew compare to his own children?”

“By that time, do you think Liu Bohuai will still leave the Liu family to you?!”

“Xiahui, if you help the Yu family, the Yu family will also help you…”

Pei Jing’s intentions were already clear.

However Liu Xiahui’s expression turned strange, “Looks like you still don’t know…”

Don’t know what?

Pei Jing looked slightly puzzled.

Liu Xiahui didn’t bother explaining the situation, only saying coldly, “There’s no money, I can’t lend you any, go find someone else.”

And with that, he turned and closed the door.

Pei Jing stepped forward hurriedly to continue knocking on the door.

However after a while, the security guard from the community arrived and escorted her away directly, saying she was disturbing of the residents’ rest.

And despite Pei Jing’s cries that it was her son that was inside, the security guard remained indifferent. Clearly, he was following orders.

Pei Jing returned to the Yu family empty-handed.

And after listening to her recount of what had happened, Mother Yu and Yu Xudong’s expressions changed immediately.

However Yu Xudong’s expression changed back quickly, the change not taking even more than a second, then he hugged her, saying she had worked hard and that she had been wronged.

Yu Kun was also at home at this moment.

And after having heard Pei Jing’s words, he hesitated.

Then chose to say nothing, knowing that even if he did, it wouldn’t bring about any change.

Meanwhile Yu Xudong, after frowning for a moment, said, “I’ll go with you tomorrow to beg Xiahui. After all there has to be some resentment in his heart.”

“You two are mother and son, blood relatives, so once your emotional entanglements are untied, no matter how big the hatred or resentment, it will dissipate…”

Yu Xudong had an expression on his face that said he was doing all this for Pei Jing, which moved her deeply.

Then the next day, the two arrived at Liu Xiahui’s house again and knocked on the door.

And after a while, the door opened, only, it was the nanny who appeared.

Pei Jing asked if Liu Xiahui was home.

The nanny replied, “Young Master went to the old mansion today.”

Pei Jing originally wanted to go in to wait for him to return, however Yu Xudong stopped her, saying, “Let’s go to the Liu family’s Old Mansion.”

Liu Bohuai was currently in charge of the Liu Group.

So the amount of money they needed to borrow was just peanuts to him. What’s more since they had already fallen out with Liu Jingyuan, it would be a show of goodwill if they sold some information to Liu Bohuai while they begged him.

Usually even if they went to the Liu Group, they still wouldn’t be able to meet Liu Bohuai.

However this time they could use the excuse of seeing Liu Xiahui to meet him.

Pei Jing had no objections after Yu Xudong told her of his idea.

So the two headed to the Liu family’s Old Mansion.


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