My outside expression is different from my inner expression

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Chapter 102.2

Editor: Jodi

Irregardless of what was going on online, the comparison of the autonomous driving cars began.

Two cars were parked at the starting positions of the competition venue.

And each car had a human sized dummy driver sitting in the driver’s seat.

Then through pre-set programs, the two cars started at the same time—

Then their engines revving, they dashed out swiftly.

And in the blink of an eye, they had covered a considerable distance.

The live broadcast also included driving perspectives from inside the cars, which made it so that the audience and netizens could see what was happening in the autonomous driving cars clearly.

At the beginning, the Casper family’s car was in the lead, with impeccable appearance and performance as it changed speed on the track flexibly, sometimes slow, sometimes fast, maneuvering through turns and obstacles.

The steering wheel inside the car was under the control of artificial intelligence, hence it didn’t require manual operation.

There were even instances of the car performing spinning stunts during fast turns to show off its abilities.

In comparison, the performance of the Li Group’s car was average from start to present, as it maintained a moderate speed.

And as one lap was passed, the smile on Reese Casper’s face deepened.

Even Yu Xudong couldn’t restrain the confident expression on his face.

However Mother Yu’s reaction was even more exaggerated as she lifted her glass towards the passing camera, as if celebrating already.

And all this caused the netizens to become even more nervous.

[Damn, they are really going to lose. I’m not watching.]

[What’s wrong with this Yu family?! And what’s that old lady doing? Is she even from C Country? C Country’s autonomous driving car is about to loose and she’s still there posing pretentiously. Fuck, I feel like slapping her. Forget it, forget it, that old lady doesn’t have many good years left, so I won’t bother with her. I’ll endure!]

[The Yu family really worships foreign things and toadies to foreign powers. Whoever has money is their father, hehe.]

[Second lap, I also won’t…… look, look, look! Hurry up and look! The Li Group Corporation’s car is overtaking the Casper family’s car?!]

Just as the second lap began, there was suddenly a change on the competition track.

—The Li Group’s autonomous driving car accelerated and actually overtook the Casper family’s car on a bend, the ordinary car now actually looking like a race car.

Especially in the slow-motion replay afterwards, where the netizens suddenly noticed that the tires of the Li Group’s car looked somewhat different.

The smile on Mr. Reese’s face disappeared as he watched the replay on the screen, his brow furrowing gradually.

In the slow-motion replay, the body of the Li Group’s car seemed to shake once.

An action that, if one didn’t look carefully, they wouldn’t notice at all.

Then after the body shook, the steering of all four tires suddenly became more agile. Then it was finally revealed as it turned at a curve—the body seemed to shift sideways, with more stable operation.

Some guessed what it was, while others were still confused.

Li Qingzhou provided the answer directly, “The tires of the Li Group’s autonomous driving car use omni-wheel control algorithms.”

“The design control of omni-wheel tires is much more complex, however it makes driving a lot more convenient, such as when a car goes around a curve, does a U-turn, reverses, and parks.”

Li Qingzhou’s voice transmitted through the microphone to the ears of Mr. Reese, Yu Xudong, and the others and was heard by the netizens as well.

However before they could react, there was a new change on the track.

—One could only see the Li Group’s car, after doing the overtaking, head straight towards the obstacles set up on the field, as if experiencing a malfunction.

However just as it was about to collide with the wall, it suddenly turned on the spot, quickly avoiding the obstacle with smooth and unparalleled stable maneuvering.

A move that seemed as effortless as just taking a turn.

However this was a pivot turn, one that was done without the need to reverse or slow down.

And with all this, the Li Group’s car was now facing the Casper family’s car directly.

However just then, ten cars began to trickle onto the track.

These cars were ordinary, with human drivers in their seats.

They weren’t fast, however they all drove in different directions, instantly causing chaos on the track that was originally occupied by only two cars.

Mr. Reese, who had been sitting in relaxed manner, straightened up the moment he saw this.

Yu Xudong frowned.

And it was just at this moment that Li Qingzhou laughed softly then said, “Sorry, Mr. Reese, for not explaining in advance.”

“However I believe the comparing of the autonomous driving cars shouldn’t just be between our two car, as cars are actually meant to be on the road.”

“Apart from obstacles, road conditions, and the like, it is impossible for it to be only one car on the road at all times.”

“We will always have to face sudden unexpected situations, and this, is when we would be able to see how the technology of autonomous driving cars perform….. don’t you think so?”

The journalists snapped away vigorously.

The corners of Mr. Reese’s lips lifted with difficulty as he responded, “Yes, exactly…. it’s still President Li who considers all aspects.”

The ordinary cars that suddenly appeared on the track tried to drive as close as possible to the two autonomous driving cars, surrounding them from all sides.

And from time to time, they would slow down or honk from behind, or it would be that the ordinary cars that were originally driving side by side would suddenly do an overtaking after hitting their turn signals to move ahead….

Almost all possible road conditions were replicated faithfully.

The Li Group’s car was like a fish in the sea, as it shuttled back and forth flexibly, driving smoothly and steadily, handling everything with perfect ease.

However the Casper family’s car gradually started to look less impressive in comparison.

It was just like comparing a high-speed processor with an ordinary one. The ordinary processor seemed good and fast alone, but when compared with the high-speed processor, it undoubtedly appeared slightly sluggish…….

This obvious contrast caused Old Master Li and the Li Group’s shareholders to relax gradually as they started to smile slowly.

Yu Xudong’s fingers clenched tightly, his furrowed brows never relaxing.

The most amusing was Mother Yu.

She finally took her sunglasses off as she stared wide-eyed at what was happening in front of her, the sunglasses that was in her hand squeezed so tightly that she almost snapped its earpiece in half.

In the last lap, the Li Group’s car turned again and drove side by side with the Casper family’s autonomous driving car.

At this moment, the two autonomous driving cars were surrounded on all sides by ordinary cars.

And under the squeezing of the ordinary cars, the two autonomous driving cars were forced to slowly enter the road that had obstacles set up on it, then the speed of the ordinary cars around them slowed down, however they maintained a certain distance.

Then the ordinary car in front quickly changed lanes and turned off the engine to come to a stop, acting as an obstacle.

This happened so suddenly that it was too late for the two autonomous driving cars to just change lanes and drive away.

In front of the Casper family’s autonomous driving car was the obstacle it was about to collide with, while to its left was an ordinary car and to its right was the Li Group’s autonomous driving car that was following behind it closely that was also being blocked from behind.

It slowed down, then swerved left and right as it tried to change lanes and drive away with turn signals, however it was blocked again and again.

The Li Group’s autonomous driving car also did the same.

However it did something different even though they were in the same situation—the Li Group’s autonomous driving car suddenly accelerated, just like it had done before, rushed towards the obstacle, then turned around just after pulling a sufficient distance away from the ordinary car behind it then dodged the ordinary cars that were coming at it from the opposite directions, solving the problem perfectly.

The drivers of the ordinary cars seemed to be startled.

However the Casper family’s autonomous driving car seemed to be at a loss, like it was being bullied and didn’t know what to do.

In the end, it could only stop in front of the obstacle reluctantly, resulting in the front of the car being scraped off and its dummy crashing heavily into the steering wheel.

Li Qingzhou said, “When dealing with unexpected situations, this autonomous driving car equipped with omni-wheel configuration can avoid any danger perfectly, reducing the likelihood of accidents…..”

He said a lot, then with the cameras still on him, he turned and said, “Of course, the Li Group’s autonomous driving car technology is mature and perfect, however the Casper’s autonomous driving car technology is also good.”

“At the very least….. it knows to stop before it hits an obstacle in order to protect the safety of its driver.”

“Isn’t that right, Mr. Reese?”

“…Yes.” Mr. Reese said stiffly.

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