I look you the most in the world [Entertainment circle]

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Chapter 173.1

Editor: Jodi

The hostess used to think that they would be more official and reserved, and that even if they were on a show, there wouldn’t be too much intimacy, but now she found that when one truly loved someone, one didn’t need any intimate actions.

These two didn’t hold hands, or hug or didn’t kiss. They just sat there, yet they could express their love through their eyes and tone.

Those endearments flowed along with their gaze. No actions were needed, yet they could still be wrapped in the sweetness of love.

The hostess looked at them, full of envy. She also hoped she could encounter such love.

Lin An Lan and Cheng Yu finished their post-filming interview, and as they went out, they saw that Jiao Wenxiu’s group had also finished theirs, and that the other six single artists had now formed pairs as well.

Then to better facilitate understanding between the three new couples, the director said, “You can all go back to your rooms to rest now. Today’s task is to clean the rooms and cook, then starting tomorrow, you will enter the formal dating phase.”

This time the director’s team was fair and didn’t let everyone choose houses. Instead, each couple was assigned a 120-square-meter house.

The houses weren’t specially cleaned, and although not exactly dirty, there was some dust, so after Lin An Lan and Cheng Yu entered, they toured the room and then prepared to clean up.

Cheng Yu hadn’t been very good at cleaning before. After all, he was from a wealthy family, and although he moved out early and lived on his own, he was still used to having an ‘Auntie’ help with the housework. It wasn’t until this year, during the New Year when he cleaned the house with Lin An Lan that he realized that cleaning was actually a very technical job.

So now that they had to clean the house they lived in, he didn’t mind, and just like during the New Year, he listened to Lin An Lan’s instructions.

One of them took care of wiping the windows and furniture, while the other swept and mopped the floor, and soon they were done.

And pouring water into a basin, Cheng Yu said enthusiastically, “Shouldn’t we tidy up the bedroom?”

There wasn’t much to tidy up in the bedroom. It was just that when Lin An Lan was cleaning, he found that the program team hadn’t laid out the bed sheet and duvet cover, but they had already bought them, so they just needed to put them on.

So nodding, Lin An Lan moved to make the bed.

The master bedroom had a balcony that was quite spacious, and looking at it, Cheng Yu said, “We can plant some flowers.”

“You want to plant flowers?” Lin An Lan picked the bedsheet up and started making the bed.

Cheng Yu didn’t really want to plant flowers, he just felt, “Having flowers might make it feel more like a warm home.”

“Then next time, I’ll buy you some pots of flowers.” Lin An Lan told him.

There was only that one potted Magnolia at home right now, with no other variety.

However pulling a corner of the bedsheet, Cheng Yu refused, “No, you can’t buy it.”

“Why?” Lin An Lan was puzzled.

“What do you think?” Cheng Yu laughed, “The flowers you bring back are called wildflowers.”

Lin An Lan suddenly laughed, not expecting him to suddenly act cute at this moment, and unable to help it, he bent over slowly in laughter.

Cheng Yu’s tone was full of pride, “Am I not right?”

Lin An Lan nodded quickly, “Yes, yes, yes, those are definitely wildflowers.”

He continued to speak while laughing, finding it hard to stop for a moment.

Making it so that when netizens clicked into the live broadcast, this was the scene they saw.

Causing them to be puzzled, “What’s going on? Why is Lin An Lan laughing so happily, did something just happen?”

“Why did the live broadcast start just now!!! Why!!! I want to see what happened before. Give me a recap, what exactly are they laughing about?!”

“I can’t help but laugh when I see An An laughing, even though I don’t know what he’s laughing at.”

“I’ve been laughing for three seconds now, so what’s he laughing at? Cheng Yu is also laughing, why aren’t they saying anything?”

At this point, Lin An Lan and Cheng Yu still didn’t know that the program team had turned on the live broadcast channel. They were both still laughing, but the difference was that Lin An Lan’s laughter was obviously the kind that couldn’t be suppressed, while Cheng Yu’s was gentle.

“Cheng Ge’s gaze, I’m dead.”

“So sweet, Cheng Ge’s gaze towards An An is so caring and gentle, too sweet!!”

“Thank you to the program team for opening the live broadcast, saving my dog life! I’ve recommended it to my aunts and uncles, as well as my elementary, middle, and high school classmates, and I’ve demanded that they all tune in on time when the show airs!”

“How long is this live broadcast going to last? I’m so curious, why did it suddenly start?”

“Half an hour, so cherish it, because it will end automatically in half an hour.”

“Damn, what if An An laughs for half an hour???!!”

“Hahahahaha, what’s wrong with that? Then I’ll laugh with him.”

Just as this comment was sent out they saw Lin An Lan finally restrain himself, suppress his laughter, and say in a cheerful tone, “How can you be this cute?”

He was saying this to Cheng Yu.

Immediately, the barrage was filled with screams from netizens, “Fuck fuck fuck!!!! He said Cheng Yu is cute!”

“Oh my god, he’s so cute, how can he be this cute!”

“I actually can’t tell who’s cuter between the two of them at this moment. Wah wah wah, mom, I’m so happy, my CP is so sweet and cute!”

“An An, you’re even cuter, you’re super cute too!”

“So what did Cheng Ge do to make An An think he’s cute!!! Ahhhhh!!! This child is going to die from anxiousness!!”

“I’m upset. Program team, would it have killed you guys to start the live broadcast ten minutes earlier???!! Why are you even keeping us hanging? What exactly did Cheng Ge do?!”

“Hehehe, so sweet, keep going.”

The program team’s staff watched as the number of people entering the live broadcast room continued to rise, and reported to the director excitedly, “Director Wang, come over quickly, Lin An Lan and Cheng Yu’s broadcast has just started, yet it’s already ranked first on the website in terms of popularity!”

“Really?” Director Wang was pleasantly surprised, “I knew they would attract a lot of fans.”

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