Vicious male counterpart isn’t competing anymore [Rebirth]

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Chapter 157.2 Zergs

Meanwhile, at the other end of the vast universe, a zerg that was as large as a warship was emitting golden light in front of a similar black hole, and within the range of its golden light, were countless of densely packed zergs that were spreading out endlessly.

And among these countless zergs, eight distinct cyan zergs stood out. These eight cyan zergs were slightly smaller than the golden zerg but significantly larger than the others and had shiny cyan shells, and standing around the huge black hole, reached inside it from time to time with their pairs of sharp foreclaws that emitted a faint cold light to drag pitch-black zerg corpses out.

And then, seemingly oblivious to the fact that they were the corpses of their kin, immediately sliced into them with their claws until they turned into pieces and then with grinding sounds as they brought them to their mouths, gulped them down. And every time they consumed a zerg, the cyan hue of their bodies would intensify.

These eight zergs continued to eat the corpses one by one under the watchful eyes of countless other zergs, and it wasn’t known how much time had passed when the cyan on them started to turn into substance, and then turning into huge cyan cocoons, enveloped the cyan zergs in them, starting with the first one, and then the second, followed by the third, until all the cyan zergs turned into giant cocoons.

And just at that moment, the giant zerg that had been emitting a faint golden light suddenly flapped its wings and then, the huge black hole that had been whirling non-stop trembled abruptly, shrank rapidly, and then disappeared in the blink of an eye. And after it disappeared, the golden zerg also retracted its radiance and space once again returned to tranquility. It was just that there were eight more cyan orbs of light among the innumerable number of stars.

Recently, Yan Hao had been trying to make a level 7 mimetic mech. His first mech, ‘Rebirth’ had become a level seven mimetic mech after it had been upgraded with the phantom spirit stone, and its performance had surpassed that of a traditional level 8 mech, closely approaching that of a level 9 mech, something which was a goal that many mech builders dreamt of but could never reach. However this wasn’t his target, because for him, a level 10 mimetic mech was his goal.

Currently, making a level 10 mimetic mech was still challenging, however making one that was comparable to that of a traditional level 10 mech was within reach. He had calculated and found that a level 7 mimetic mech, once enhanced with phantom spirit stones, could at least reach the level of a level 8 mimetic mech, and in essence, the power of a level 8 mimetic mech could match that of a traditional level 10 mech. And if he was able to make this mech successfully, then senior would have the highest combat power in the entire Federation.

He planned to complete this level 8 mimetic mech before graduating and then use it to propose to Sheng Heng.

“It’s already six o’clock, you still aren’t leaving?” Old Pang looked at the time, somewhat surprised that he hadn’t actually squeezed time out today to have dinner with Sheng Heng.

“Oh, I’m going right now.” Yan Hao assembled the nearly completed parts in his hands quickly.

“Master, see you tomorrow.” During this period of time, every day at six in the evening, Sheng Heng would be waiting for him downstairs, and so not wanting to keep him waiting for too long, he waved goodbye to Old Pang then run out hurriedly.

Shaking his head as he laughed, Old Pang walked over to Yan Hao’s workbench and picked up the parts he had been working on to examine them.

After Yan Hao came out of the elevator, he immediately saw Sheng Heng who was waiting for him at the door. Sheng Heng, wearing light casual clothes, was leaning against the door frame of the lab building in a lazy and casual manner, however his eyes were fixed unwaveringly on the doors of the elevator, and seeing them ding open and then a handsome teenager step out, his eyes lit up immediately, then straightening, he reached his hand out towards the teenager.

“Senior, have you been waiting for a long time?” Yan Hao walked over quickly to take the hand that had been stretched out to him in a natural manner.

“Three minutes and twenty seconds.” Sheng Heng told him.

“Ah, then let’s hurry, the ingredients are about to be delivered.” And saying this, Yan Hao pulled him towards the school apartments hurriedly. Sheng Heng had been staying in the teachers’ apartment this month as he was no longer a student and so unable to stay in the student dorms. However because the school had invited him to provide practical training for the new students, they had arranged for him to stay in the teacher’s apartment.

Today was the last day of Sheng Heng’s vacation, and Yan Hao had promised to cook for him himself, so he had ordered the ingredients early in the morning on the premise that they be delivered at this time.

When they reached the door of Sheng Heng’s apartment, the delivery robot with the ingredients had just arrived, and after collecting the ingredients, the two entered the apartment to start preparing for dinner, and although Yan Hao hadn’t cooked for a long time, his skills weren’t rusty, and so they both enjoyed the dinner immensely, and after they were done eating, they chatted for a while until the night grew deeper and deeper.

And looking at the time, Yan Hao got up, preparing to leave, however Sheng Heng hugged him from behind, holding him in his arms.

“Don’t leave tonight.” Sheng Heng whispered softly.

Don’t leave? Could it be that Senior wanted to?

Yan Hao, who wasn’t able to stop his brain from imagining certain things, was somewhat a bit at a loss for words, his face turning so red that blood could almost drip out.

Should I stay? After all, it is bound to happen sooner or later anyways. But we aren’t married yet, so, I should leave? But if I leave, will Senior be angry?

Or maybe he should stay. After all, He Shao had also said that many people had already done what should be done in freshman year. He was already a senior but hadn’t done it yet. This was actually not normal.

Then…. then….

“Blushing like this, are you thinking of doing something naughty?” Sheng Heng teased deliberately.

“I’m….. I’m not.” Yan Hao defended himself guiltily.

“What you’re not, look how guilty your face looks. Let me tell you, we’re not married yet, so don’t even think about taking advantage of me. But I’ll allow you to hold me to sleep tonight.”

“Oh.” Yan Hao nodded, letting out a sigh of relief, however there was a small hint of disappointment at the bottom of his heart at the same time.

Sheng Heng smiled, a satisfied expression on his face as he thought to himself that he had eased Yan Hao’s embarrassment in an understanding manner while also being able to continue boiling the frog slowly in warm water without knowing that if he had only just waited for just another minute, this ‘frog’ of his could have been cooked directly.

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